𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧, 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝

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• 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐭 𝟏 •

𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟑𝐭𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐

Third POV

Kass and Harry had been together for almost six years now. Those six years have been... eventful for the couple, from family issues, scandals, burglars, insecurities, fights, having a baby, more drama the couple can agree throughout the ups and downs— it was all worth it to end up here— six years later together and growing stronger each day. Even for the most part, though, their fans adored them being together. They ship the two of them on social media as Karry and refer to them as their parents, as any real fan does when their idol falls in love with someone. And the two of them were so in love.

Harry knew without a doubt that he was in love with Kass. But there was something about making solid plans for the future that freaked him out just a bit. Something about saying out loud that he wanted to marry the woman he loved, the only person who was ever able to make him more excited about life than he was when he was first put in One Direction when the fame and everything were new and exciting. The only person he'd ever thought about having kids with.

Kassandra Jenner.

It all was just a reminder that Harry wasn't the 16-year-old fresh-faced kid getting his start on a TV show to become famous. He was a man now who was at marrying age, though he had tried time and time again to deny it. And it had nothing to do with his love for her because the love was there. There was more than enough love that Harry felt for Kass; he was just scared. Terrified. He has seen people— his friends to be exact who have been with their partners more than he and Kass have been and get married and then divorce within two years of marriage. He's scared that once they tie the knot then the spark— the love will fade away and he doesn't want that to happen to them.

But that was all about to change.

Harry wakes up one Sunday morning to the smell of pancakes and various breakfast foods wafting into the bedroom from the kitchen. It was very rare that Kass was awake in the mornings before Harry, and even more rare that she would be making breakfast. It wasn't that she didn't make the food often, she just typically opted for a protein bar or a banana as breakfast rather than having an actual meal, unless Olivia was craving more than cereal, yogurt, or avocado on toast she picked up from her dad. He decided to venture from their bed towards the smells that were so enticing to him - not as enticing as her, though.

He walked into the kitchen to a sight that he didn't ever want to forget. Wearing only one of his t-shirts that ended mid-thigh on her and her fluffy slippers, swaying back and forth, moving her hips and bopping her head as she plopped some mini pancakes on Olivia's plate who was in her armchair giggling and clapping at her mother who was singing. Harry noticed she had the radio on, quiet enough that it wouldn't have woken him up from his slumber. She had her back to him so she didn't notice his entrance as she was very into dancing to "If I Can't Have You" by Shawn Mendes. She was so beautiful, Harry thought to himself, and so perfect. He smiled and couldn't help the laugh that escaped his mouth as she almost knocked the plate off the counter with her dancing skills.

She turned around and let out a laugh of her own, finally realizing his presence. She laughs was sweet music to his ears than the song that was still playing on the radio.

"Morning honey, I'm making breakfast! Can you believe it?" Kass told him with another laugh, grabbing the plate of pancakes and bringing them to the table where Harry was standing. She planted a sweet kiss on his cheek while he watched her, a smile lingering on his face.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Harry asked, clearly amused at her mood which was hardly ever this pleasant so early in the day.

"Don't know, I'm just in a good mood and I thought you'd like some pancakes. They're vegan and glutton-free pancakes Kourtney send me the recipe and it isn't that bad, right Ollie?" Kass says, turning to Olivia who was eating her fourth mini pancake as she nods with her mouth full making them laugh at her messy face.

Kass grabbed a bowl of fresh fruit that she had already cut up and brought it with her to the table, where she and Harry sat down next to Olivia.

"I love you, you know that? You're something else." Harry told her, as he remembers he had told her he may go vegan and it warms his heart how she tries to make food that he loves without the animal products in
them— he makes that goofy grin he does when he's really happy.

"I know. I guess you're alright too," she laughed, digging into the food in front of her, quite pleased with her cooking skills as it wasn't often she attempted to make breakfast.

As Harry watched her as she feeds Olivia some strawberries, he was suddenly flooded with emotion that he had not anticipated. He noticed the way she licked her lips right before she popped a strawberry in her mouth and how she bit her lip when a text message flashed across her phone that she had set on the side of the table and how she crossed her ankles under the table. And Harry loved all of that about her. And he loved her messy bun and her soft blue eyes and the way she picked up her mug with both hands when she brought it to her mouth. He loved the way his shirt fit on her body and how it clung to all the right places. Most of all, he loved her bright spirit and her bubbly personality, and her beautiful soul— he loved how she finally came out of her shell and showed him the real her, the one that isn't afraid to be herself. He loved the way she made him feel special just for getting through another boring meeting his or for putting in the effort for him and Olivia to know her extended family members ( brothers) or for being on the cover of a magazine and celebrate with him or even knowing him and listening to the little things he says that many wouldn't knowledge. It showed him how she wants to know him— to understand him.

She looked up from her mug of tea and immediately put it back on the table when she saw the huge smile that seemed to touch every part of Harry's face.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked, smiling back at him. She furrowed her brows a bit because the way he was looking at her was different. Not bad different, just different.

"Mmm, I just love you very very much, love," Harry replied. But it was more than that. For the first time, he didn't feel scared anymore. Of the future, of commitment, of being with her forever. And he wanted it now, more than ever. A future with her, loving her for the rest of his life. He wanted to wake up not beside him as his girlfriend but as his wife, watch and enjoy her and Olivia dancing around the house to any music the radio plays and the cats sitting on his lap as they watched amused. He wanted those moments to be forever as Mr. and Mrs. Styles.

The only thing he was scared about now was proposing to the love of his life because it would have to be perfect It's for his one true love.



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