♕ Bio ♕

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Full Name: Kassandra Jenner

Birthday: August 10, 1997

Occupation- Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Model, and CEO of her own clothing line and makeup brand

Family: Caitlyn Jenner, Kris Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kimberly Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Rob Kardashian, Burt Jenner, Cassandra Marino, Brandon Jenner, Brody Jenner, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner (Twin)

History: When Kass and Kylie were born they were able to tell them apart because Kass was born with bright blue eyes that she inherited from her dad's side of the family. When Kass was little she loved to sing, dance, act, and be an adventurous girl.

However, Kris did not really let her pursue her dream until she talked to her dad and he said yes and took her to audition where she got the role in playing Barney and other movies and TV shows. She then at the age of 13 became really well known when she started to sing 'Make it in America' and 'Shine' where her popularity grew.

Since then she's been traveling the world with her team, manager, and assistant. Being away from home had made a bad impact on her siblings besides Kylie who texted and FaceTimed her many times every other day. Because of this, she doesn't have a close bond like the rest of them do. She also doesn't know that her siblings (exclude Kylie) have been jealous of her seeing how she never had to be on Tv, social media feud, or drama to get the recognition she has today. The thing takes a turn when she and Harry (Kendall's ex) start to see each other.

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