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He kept on walking towards Nina as everyone watched in silence. Even the Doctor was quiet, afraid of what the Master would do to Nina if anyone tested his patience. "Hello, sister, long time no see," he smirked as he crouched down in front of her, getting on her level, but still relatively far away. He knew what his sister was capable of. However, he just continued:

"This is where you say 'it's good to see you', and I respond ' I wish I could say the same', you know? I've always wanted to say that one too." He sighed, standing back up. "You see, I had some time alone with the TARDIS, and being the mastermind that I am, I hacked some of the systems and retrieved a bunch of information about the two of you. Now, most of it is sappy and all heart-eyes," he said, his face turning into disgust. "Which honestly was not what I was looking for. But some of it, oh," he closed his eyes, the memories bringing him... joy, in a way? "Some of it hasn't happened yet, Nina. I know things you have never told your stupid little friends about yet, things you keep hidden deep inside," he said, his voice dangerously low, but still loud enough for the Doctor to hear. They all saw Nina's body tense, and her brother smiled at the sight. As the Master approached Nina's face, she felt the guards hold her down more forcefully, and she knew their hold would leave marks on her shoulder and arms. He got close enough to whisper in her ear: "I know everything about Hydra, генезис."

Nina's neck snapped towards him as he took a step back, a big, creepy grin plastered on his face. She couldn't even believe it. Her brother... he knew about the words. He knew about the Soldier she once had been. He had complete control over her. Granted, his Russian was terrible. It wasn't even good enough to actually work on her, but he could get anyone to say the words for him. The Master had her in his hands, and he could use her to do whatever he wanted. Things such as kill the people she love the most, get her to do his dirty work.

The Master frowned when he noticed her glaring at him. "Oh, not the reaction i was hoping for, I'll admit," he shrugged, knowing exactly what the Russian word 'genesis' was supposed to do to her. "But we'll have plenty of family quality time together, and I'll be able to work on my Russian, no worries. As soon as I'm done with him, that is," he gestured towards the Doctor with a nod of his head. 

Nina turned her head towards where he had nodded, and caught sight of the Doctor staring at them with a very confused, yet worried look on his face. He must have seen the look of absolute fear on her face when The Master leaned in to whisper in her ear. He wasn't able to hear what it'd been, but he knew it must have been one of the worst things about Nina's past, because she looked terrified at the thought of the Master knowing about it.

"Now, why dont we all take a trip down memory lane," the Master spoke up again, walking away from Nina and towards the Doctor. He sat down on the lower steps of the stairs, the Doctor still on the ground in front of him. "Professor Lazarus.Remember him and his genetic manipulation device? What, did you thinkthat little Tish got that job merely by coincidence?" Martha gasped at the thought. "I've been layingtraps for you all this time. And if I can concentrate all that Lazarustechnology into one little screwdriver? But, ooo, if I only had theDoctor's biological code." He pouted, pretending to look sad. "Oh, wait a minute, I do." He snapped his fingers, standing back up and running to a case that laid on a table. "I've got his hand," he announced, showing them the hand the Doctor had lost at the Christmas sword fight they had spoken about.

"And if Lazarus made himself younger," the Master wondered out lout whilst toying with his screwdriver. "What if I reverse it? Another... hundred years?" 

Before they could even react, the Doctor had been shot with the screwdriver's laser and was convulsing on the floor. Nina looked away. She couldn't bare to see him suffer. 

"Take her away," the Master told the guards that had been holding her down all this time. Nina tried to fight it, but she couldn't. Before she was dragged out of the room, all she was able to see was the shine of the Vortex Manipulator, which meant at least one of them had managed to get away. 

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