"Well, he's not doing too bad," Jack commented, pointing in the distance at a man. He was running, almost sprinting. It took the group a few seconds to see the group of people following him, torches and weapons in hand as they screamed and yelled 'human'.

"I'm not the only one who thinks that looks like a manhunt, right?" Nina told them, watching the group, perplexed.

"No. Come on," the Doctor said, grabbing her hand and running away towards the man. Nina yelped as he ran almost too fast for her to keep up.

"Jesus, have you forgotten how short these legs are?!" Nina yelled as they ran down some hill.

"I've missed this!" Jack yelled out laughing as he ran behind them.

They reached the man and The Doctor grabbed him, pushing him behind himself. Jack pulled out his gun out and aimed it at the not-people running towards them.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Nina exclaimed, exasperated. "Every time," she sighed.

"Don't you dare!" The Doctor yelled at him. Jack turned back and rolled his eyes at them, before aiming his gun to the air, putting an end to the whole affair. He shot up and the non-humans stopped in their tracks.

"What the hell are they?" Martha asked panicking.

"There's more of them, we've got to keep moving!"

"I've got a ship nearby. It's safe. It's not far, it's just over there," the Doctor told the man. They looked back to see that the definetly-not-humans blocking the way they came through.

"Or maybe not," Nina commented.

"We're close to the silo," the man told them. "If we get to the silo we're safe."

"Silo?" The Doctor asked his friends, stariting a vote. Was this the best time?

"Yes, please," Nina nodded.

"Silo," Jack agreed.

"Silo for me," Martha told him.

The five of them started to run to the silo, the scarry-almost-people following them close behind. After almost a minute of non-stop running, they arrived at a gated area with watchovers and guards.

"It's the futurekind, open the gate!" The man next to them yelled out to the gards.

"Show me your teeth!" The guard yelled at them.

"Show them your teeth!" He yelled at the four. All of them smiled awkwardly to show the man their teeth.

"Human, let them in!" The guard yelled out at the people inside. Soon enough, they opened a small breech in the gate, letting the five of them through. "Close, close!"

"Humans," the leader of the not-humans tribe sneered at them. "Humani. Make feast." Nina finally got a look at their teeth, their pointy, sharp teeth.

"Go back to where you came from!" One of the guards yelled out. They didn't move. "I said go back. Back!" He yelled, aiming his gun at the pointy-teeth-not-humans. Nina sighed in exasperation.

"Honestly, why do I even bother," she whined.

"Oh, don't tell him to put his gun down," Jack complained to the Doctor.

"He's not my responsability," the Doctor argued, making Jack scoff.

"And I am? That makes a change."

"Kind watch you. Kind hungry." Nina frowned. Was he... was he refereing to his kind as 'kind'... in the third person? Anyway, the leader signaled to the others of his tribe or whatever to retreat. They had no way of winning this, no way of entering the gates, and he knew that.

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