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Marvelous (but sad;-;) quote of the day:

"I'll be a story in your head. That's okay. We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? 'Cause it was, you know. It was the best. The daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well I borrowed it. I was always going to take it back."

-Sad, dying Eleventh Doctor speaking
to a sleeping child.


Word count: 2005

They walked into the building labeled Lazarus Laboratories. Hundreds of people were gathered around a circular dais to watch Mr. Lazarus 'change what it means to be human'.

As soon as they got inside, the Doctor got strangely enthusiastic over the food. "Oh, look. They've got nibbles," he said, taking some from the waiter passing by. "I love nibbles," he muttered, eating them.

"Hello!" A young girl soon approached them. Nina recognized her as the girl from TV earlier.

"Tish!" Martha exclaimed when she turned around and saw her sister.

"So what do you think?" Tish asked, waving her hand at the whole event. "Impressive, isn't it?"

"Very," Martha conceded.

"And two nights out in a row for you," Tish said. "That's dangerously close to a social life," he joked. Nina had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. At the same time, the Doctor poked her arm to catch her attention, offering her a nibble. She couldn't help but laugh at his childishness, shaking he read slightly, refusing his offer gently.

"If I keep this up, I'll end up in all the gossip columns," Martha said sarcastically.

"You might, actually," Tish answered seriously. "You should keep an eye out for photographers. And Mum, she's coming too. Even dragging Leo along with her." Martha gasped. Nina had absolutely no idea what was going on. Who was Leo?

"Her brother," the Doctor whispered in her ear when he saw the confusion on her face. She gasped silently in comprehension and nodded a thank you.

"Leo in black tie? That I must see," Martha laughed. Her eyes suddenly widened in surprise as she realized that Nina and the Doctor were standing behind her, completely excluded from their conversation. "These are Nina and, er, the Doctor." Tish extended her hand to the two and they shook it.

"Hello," the Doctor greeted.

"Hi," Nina said almost at the same time.

"They're with you?" Tish asked, raising an eyebrow.


"But they're not on the list, how did they get in?" Tish asked, frowning.

"They're my plus twos."

"So, Lazarus, is he your boss?" The Doctor chimed in before Tish could comment on Martha's answer.

"Professor Lazarus, yes," Tish corrected. "I'm part of his executive staff."

"She's in the PR department," Martha told them.

"I'm head of the PR department, actually" Tish corrected again. Martha raised her eyebrows and gasped.

"You're joking." Tish shook her head.

"I put this whole thing together."

"So do you know what the professor's going to be doing tonight?" The Doctor asked Tish. Nina's eyes suddenly lit up. "That looks like it might be a sonic microfield manipulator." Nina nodded, looking at the device with him.

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