Funny Doctor who quote of the day:

"There is more to see than can ever be seen. There is more to do than - No hold on, that's the Lion King."

-Obviously very confused Tenth Doctor


Word count: 2109

"Doctor, these readings are starting to scare me," they heard from the intercom. It was Abi. The Doctor and Nina froze, sharing a look before he spoke up.

"What do you mean?" He asked, obviously worried.

"Korwin's body's changing! His whole biological make-up, it... it's impossible," she said. The whole crew was now listening in. Nina immediately left what she was doing to run to the med-center. She had had a bad feeling about Korwin ever since she first saw him, and leaving Abi with him felt like the greatest mistake of her life.

She ran through the halls and almost got herself lost until she heard Abi's voice once more from the comms.

"This is med-center," she said, her voice filled with fear. "Urgent assistance requested. Urgent assistance!" She almost yelled, her voice rising with each word.

Nina started to sprint her way to the med-center.

"Burn with me! Burn with me!" She heard. Nina froze on the spot. She had heard those words once before, but coming from the Doctor. Yet, it was vaguely the same voice that had said it.

Her instincts kicked in once again when she heard Abi screaming. She started to run once again but was just a few seconds late. When she arrived at the med center, Korwin was already gone.

Nina turned around and spotted the black outline of a human body with one hand in the air on a wall.


Endothermic vaporization, she realized. Nina's hearts dropped when she realized how obvious it was. Korwin was doing this, his body was flaming hot last time she's seen him, it made so much sense. How hadn't she seen it before?

The Doctor and McDonnell burst through the plastic sheeting that acted as a door to the med-center, Scannel with behind them. As soon as the Doctor lays eyes on Nina, he sighed in relief. He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly, one hand behind her head, pulling it towards his body. Nina could hear how fast his hearts were beating; he had really been worried about her.

"Don't do this to me," he told her. "Ever again." Nina nodded quickly before he let go of her.

"Korwin's gone," they heard McDonnell say, her voice slightly shaken.

"Oh my God...." Scannell trailed off. The three of them turned to look in the same direction and saw that Scannell had spotted, a charred, black shape on a wall, in the shape of a person with one hand in the air. They realize that this charred shape was once Abi. The Doctor walked towards it.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't fast enough," Nina apologized, her voice barely audible. The Doctor wrapped her hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"This wasn't your fault," he reassured her in her ear.

"Tell me that's not Lerner," Scannell pleaded them, but already knowing the answer. The Doctor approached the wall, letting go of Nina's hand. He ran his hand over the outline of the shape.

"Endothermic vaporization. I've never seen one this ferocious," he whispered. He then looked distant, as if he was realizing something. "Burn with me," he stated.

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