Scar and Richard

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Scar and Richard

Richard and I were really good friends, so it was logical for me to comfort him when Julie broke up with him. I am still close friends with Hunter and Julian, just nothing more. 

Julian is dating Julie actually. I am really happy for them, I think they make a great couple.

Hunter hasn't found a girl yet, which surprises me. He could walk through the park and girls would run up to him. I guess he just didn't like any of them.

Since me and Richard have been hanging out I think we feel that we are a little more than friends. But I don't know.


Richard is supposed to come over today, maybe I will ask what we are.

Once he was over we walked up to my room.

I sat on the floor next to him.

"Richard?" I asked grabbing his hands.


"What are we?" I ask looking at his and my hands.

"What do you mean?" 

"Are we friends are we a thing?" I ask now looking start into his dark blue eyes.

He says nothing, we just look into each others eyes. Finally he inches closer and I do the same.

I can't tell who exactly closes the gap, but it was a soft kiss. It slowly generated in to more hot and steamy kisses. I guess I got my answer.

I pulled away a little, "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked, I didn't want to get hurt. I wanted to make sure he was honest.

He made me look at him, "Scar, I am one hundred percent sure." 

He pulled me back in to the kiss and I knew he was telling the truth.


We made out for about an hour and finally he had to go.

I didn't want him to go though. I liked talking to him and messing with him.

He is like a mixture of Hunter and Julian. He is in between the two extremes. And I like it.


Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't really know how I was going to do this chapter! Hope you liked it!

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