Chapter 11: Friend Zone

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Chapter 11: Friend Zone

It was Monday and last Friday things were cleared up with me and Julian. We were now Friends, its hard for me to look at Hunter in class and in the halls, seeing as though he was the one that caused Julian and I fight. I know used to let him take me home but now it is really awkward.

I went to English and Hunter was sitting in his spot behind me. I sat down and got out my journal.

"I heard you and Julian made up." Hunter said from behind me.

"Do y'all talk every fugging day?" I asked

"No, just news travels fast in this school."

I was about to say something when the bell rang and Mrs. Sanchez walked in.

About halfway through the class Hunter tapped my shoulder and I turned around like an idiot.

I smiled and asked, "Would you like to ride home with me tonight?" with the last word he put his finger over my cheek and slid it to my chin, sending shivers down my spine.

Was Hunter Grayson asking me out?

"Um, Julian's taking me home today, sorry." I said almost choking on my own words.

He opened his mouth to say something but Mrs. Sanchez interrupted, "Excuse me Ms. Winters, Mr. Grayson, what is so important that you have to interrupt my class?"

I was about to answer when Hunter started to speak for us, "Who were we interrupting anyway, its not like any ones paying attention." he said, I turned my head to face him and glared at him.

Mrs. Sanchez was at a loss of words so she just said, "Leave, both of you, get out of my classroom."

I couldn't believe it Hunter just got us kicked out of class.

I grabbed my things and walked out of the door with Hunter.

"What is your problem?" I asked as we walked down the hallway.

"What I told her the truth?" he replied, grinning.

My frustration was trough the roof, I could tell my face was read. I walked to my locker and put my books in there. It was the last class so I was going home with Julian when he got out of class.

"Do you want to go get some hot chocolate?" he asked.


"Why not?" 

"Cause you just got me kicked out of class." I slammed my locker shut and looked at the clock, I had to wait five minutes for Julian to come take me home.

"Wow Winters, its not like you are going to fail the semester cause your missing half a class." 

"You never know." I answered and the bell rang. Finally.

People poured out of classes and I saw Julian walk to me. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yes." I answered, and we walked to his car.

Once we were inside he didn't start the engine, I looked at him and he was staring at me, "Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Your beautiful." he said.

Wow that came out of no where, "What?"

"Listen I know you agreed to just be friends but I don't just want to be in the friend zone with you. I want to kiss you and hold you, not just hug you and watch you." he said.

My mouth was open, and I couldn't say anything.

"Look I know we had a fight, but I was just being stupid."

I was still stunned, "Um, Julian I don't think I am ready to go out with anyone at the moment."

"That's okay but when your ready, I'll still be here waiting." he said starting up the car and driving out of the parking lot.

Wow, did that just happen, I asked my self.

Once we were home I ran inside and called Julie, and told her all about what happened.


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