Chapter 4: That's the Girl!

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Chapter 4: That's the Girl

I walked into English with Julian as we always did, but this time I took time to look around the room. Trying to get my memory back.

I sat down in my normal spot Hunter behind me and Julian beside me. I saw a girl with long blonde curly hair. I thought back to when I had that flashback. She was in it she was the one that planned it.

I leaned over to Julian and asked, "Who is that girl over there with the long blonde curly hair?" I pointed to her.

"That is Britney, why?" he asked.

I was frozen I thought back to when this all happened, she said, "This is for stealing my Julian." Was she talking about my Julian.

I came back to reality with Julian shaking me and Hunter staring into my eyes, but not with his normal charm or bad boy look, but with concern.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't move or say anything for like two minutes." Julian said.

"Was that concern I say in your eyes?" I asked niw directing my attention to Hunter.

"What me? No - Um of course not." he said, "Anyway what's were you thinking about?" he asked trying to change the subject.

Almost forgetting about the girl that caused it all, I looked at Julian and asked, "You dated Britney didn't you?"

Before Julian could speak Hunter was speaking for him, "He's dated almost every gir-"

"Yes, I dated her right before you. In fact I dumped her realizing that I was with the wrong girl and I went to your house in the pouring rain to give you your favorite yellow roses and ask you out." Julian cut him off.

Hunter rolled his eyes and faked a throw up. I thought that was sweet, cliché but sweet.

Anyway getting to my point I leaned over to Julian and whispered in his ear, "Britney was the one that made a guy attack me."

Julians eyes grew big and then I heard Julian ask Hunter something, "Was there a girl at the attack seen with Scar?"

"Yes but she was leaving when I got there." he answered.

"Would you say that Britney could be that girl?"

Hunter looked at her once more and shook his head yes.

"So she planed the attack, but why?" Julian asked.

"Um when she showed up with the guy she told me that "This is for stealing my Julian."" I said.

"Holy crap that girl can hold a grudge." Julian said.

I looked over at Hunter and be started walking towards Britney. I grabbed his arm and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go ask her a few questions." he said, his jaw clenched.

"No don't I don't want anyone to ask her before I do." I said.

"To late." he remarked looking at her.

I saw Julian hovering over her desk I couldn't hear what he was saying but he wasn't asking questions yet.

I ran over there and grabbed his ear, and pulled him to his seat. "Don't ask any questions without me." I growled.

"Okay." he said understanding.

Just then the bell rang and Julian and I were off to our next class.


It's been two weeks since I found out Britney was involved in the attack. Julian came knocking on the door one afternoon and had one red rose in hand.

"Would you like to accompany me to the homecoming dance Miss Winters?" he asked.

"I'd love to Mr.Oliver." I took the rose and kissed him on the lips.

"Boy have I missed those kisses." He said.

I rolled my eyes and put the rose in a vase with yellow roses my mom got me a while ago.

"What color dress are you going to wear my darling?" he asked, plopping down on the couch.

"You can stop with the sophisticated talk, and I dont know." I said.

"Well homecoming is in a week and I hope your ready by then." he said.

"Fine I'll call Julie and we will go dress shopping." I said.

"That would be amazing." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "See you at school darling." he got up and winked before leaving.

I picked up my phone and called Julie.

We meet at the mall and found a dress that looked perfect. I didnt really like dresses that much but this one was perfect. It was a strapless turquoise blue dress with a brown belt around the torso. There were creases in the all the right places. It was perfect.

I bought it and Julie settled on one that was hot pink with a black belt it was almost identical to mine but the colors were different.

Once I got home I took a picture of my dress and sent it to Julian so he could find a matching tie.

This was going to be the best homecoming ever.

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