Chapter 24: Prom

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Chapter 24: Prom

The dresses and tuxes in the Media box are what they are wearing! :)

I was standing in front of the mirror. My hair was curled and my make up was done nice. My dress was on and my heels were on.

My mom came in and she gasped, "You look so beautiful." 

She began to tear up, "Oh mom don't cry." I said giving her a hug.

"You look beautiful baby. I can't wait to get a photo of all of you." she said.

I can't wait to see what the boys look like. Just then there was a knock at the door and my mom ran to get it.

I slowly began to walk down the stairs. Once I was down the stairs, Julian and Hunter were both standing there.

"Wow." they both said.

"Do y'all like it?" I asked.

They both nodded and stared.

 I shook my head and said, "Y'all both look handsome." I said.

"Picture time!" My mom yelled with the camera in her hand.

We all stood in front of the stairs. I was in the middle, Hunter was on my left and Julian was on my right.

"Say cheese!" she said.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. She got the picture and I was about to walk away when she said, "Wait one more." 

I backed up and Julian wrapped his arms around my waist and Hunter got my legs. I gasped in surprise as they lifted me.

I laughed and she took the pictures. I can't believe they did this.

Once she was done Hunter set my legs on the floor and Julian let me go.

"Are y'all ready?" I asked.

"Yup." they said.

"Bye, have fun." my mom said.

"Bye." I said then walked out with Hunter and Julian.

Out there waiting for us was a limo. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked back in shock.

"For you Scar." Julian said.

Hunter and Julian pushed me forward and opened the door for me. I slid in and waited for the boys.

Once we got to the school they got out and helped me out. We walked into the gym room that had magically been turned into a dance floor.

The song It Was Always You by Maroon 5 came on and we all went to the make shift dance floor and danced.

I saw Julie out of the corner of my eye and decided to go say hi. "Hey Julie." I said.

"Hey Scar, are you having fun?" she asked.

"Yes, how about you?" 

"Great, come here and I will introduce you to Richard." I followed her and there he was Richard from elementary school.

"Wow, Scarlett?" he asked.

"Yep." I said.

"How have you been. I haven't seen you since freshman year." 

"I know, where have all the years gone?"

"For real. You look nice tonight, you definitely have my vote for prom queen." he said.

"That would be one vote then."

"You'd be surprised. Anyway who is you date?" he asked.

"Hunter Grayson and Julian Oliver." I said pointing to them.

"Wow, a bad boy and a jock. You little player." he smiled at me.

I laughed, "Well I will leave you two alone. It was nice seeing you again Richard, hope to see both of you soon." I said hugging him and Julie.

I walked back to Hunter and Julian when a slow song came on. Julian dragged, me out to the dance floor and we began to dance.

"You know, I have been thinking here lately." Julian started. 'Oh no this can't be good.' I thought, "If you were to choose either me or Hunter. Who would you choose?" Great he just had to ask that.

"Um, Julian to be honest I don't know who I would choose and I don't want to. I like both of you but I have no idea who and how I would choose." I answered getting a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, well maybe you will find out after tonight." he said. Just then the song ended and he walked away smiling. 

I was left there dumbfounded. What just happened? I-I- did he want me to choose?

Hunter came up to me and asked, "What was all that about?" 

"Uh-um, uh, nothing." I said.

He gave me a suspicious look, "Um-hm, sure." 

I laughed, "Stop it, just dance with me." I said as a slow song came on.

He took my hands and we began to dance. It was so much fun, he spun me and I almost ran into another couple. I couldn't stop laughing when I was with Hunter. He spun me again and I got dizzy and fell into his hard chest.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-yes." I answered in between laughs.

When the song was over we walked over to Julian. I think they are about to announce prom king and queen. 

The music stopped and the student council president went on stage, "Alright everybody, time to announce this years prom king and queen!" he said. The crowd cheer as he opened the envelope. "This years prom king and queen are- drum roll please... Scarlett Winters and Richard King!"

I was stunned, how did anyone even know about me? I know Richard is popular so that explains that. But me, how did that happen?

"Scar, go." Hunter and Julian pushed me up there.

I walked up to the stage and I heard Julie scream and cheer. I smiled so big I thought my lips would break. I was so happy.

I looked over at Richard and he winked at me like he knew I would win.

They placed the crown on my head and I felt Richards arms wrap around me.

"Time for the king and Queen dance." everyone moved out of the way and we walked down to the floor.

 The song Why by Rascal Flatts came on. I was surprised they played this song. I grabbed on the Richard as we began to dance.

He was a really good dancer. I noticed that we were the only ones dancing and I felt nervous, everyone was watching us, "Relax Scarlett, focus on the song." Richard said calmly.

I relaxed a little and looked into his eyes, "See that is better." he spun me out so I was facing the crowd. I stuck my hand out then spun back in. I could hear all the cheers from the crowd and smiled big.

"You sure do know how to please a crowd." I said.


When the song ended I walked back to Hunter and Julian. I couldn't believe what I saw when I got close to them.


A/N: Cliff hanger! I can reassure you that it is nothing bad, so don't worry loves, it is actually something funny! One more chapter before the book is over! :(

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