Chapter 18 Elena / Acid

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I pace its what I do. I have tear stained cheeks. my heart is constricting. our the hell am I going to-do this.

1. tell trace

2. tell my family

3. not drink

4.not ride

my hand goes to my stomach and I cry. me look after someone else. me have someone else in my care. I hold my stomach as I cry. I cry so hard I feel sick. I vomit into the garden.

I finally calm myself down and breath. I finally sit and then stand and sit again. I stand when I see a familiar truck. it pulls to a stop and I see acid he jumped out of his truck and my hands flew to my mouth as I cried. he came rushing to me. swooping me up into his arms. while I cried into his chest. I held on for dear life.

"shhh baby its okay" he says sitting me in the truck and handing my ride keys to z who has the I'm sorry I cant keep my mouth shut look.

"I I I " I try but I'm a mess

"I know baby. I know. the love of my life has my baby safe in her womb" he says wiping tears away from my face as I look up to him.

"trace" I about to give him a out but he kisses me. aggressively. slowly pulls away with his forehead against mine.

"mine" he says possessively

"yours" I croak out making him pull me close. I sat with him silent while I calmed down. he then grabbed my paper work put it away. he put my seat belt on, kissed my forehead as I actually fell asleep on the ride home. well not the home I expected.

Acid POV

At first I had anger she called Zane and not me. my women called another man. I know irrational considering its her brother. I was pissed at her. to top it Zane was talking to me about it on the way to get her. telling me to please stay calm. she is easy spooked. I got more annoyed. I was about to jump out of the car and growl at her for calling z. as soon as those eyes meet mine her hand flew to her mouth. I knew she had been crying this whole time. scared stressed and out of her mind wot worry. I stalked over and lifted her up. she gripped to me like I was her life line. her eyes showed so much. I was hers she knew it. hell anyone knew it. she couldn't even get her words out to me. not out of fear but out of love. she knew I knew. also Zane gave her the sorry look. I drove more safer with her in my the car. felt like I should drive 20rpm instead of my 100rpm. every so often I look over to her sleeping form and she is laying her head on the window. things run through my head like

1. no drugs it will hurt

2. can she have the anti-nausea meds

3. did she tell her doc about being a ex druggie. shit don't matter ill get her a good doctor.

" you look like your thinking hard over there" I hear her soft voice say I look over to her

"im happy" I state simply

"happy suites you" she says but frowns

"this isn't the way to kaids" she says sitting up more

"I know" I say back

" I just want to relax trace I am tired" she says irritated

"I know and when we get home ill let you"

"trace" she questions

"you live with me in our house" I say as I flicker to turn

1. when did you get a house

2. you never asked

3. I have my stuff at kaids

She almost screams that at me. so I calmly put my hand on her thigh

"its fine baby. 1. I bought a house when you left for when you came home. 2. I did I told you. you are mine. 3. kaid bought it here when I came and got my women" I say the last part teasing she looks to me

"you got a house for us" she ask and I look to her then the road

"shocked your doubting me little lady" I say as she laughs

"ill never doubt you. but are you ready for all that's me" she says and I nod

"been ready for 10 years" I say as she gulps and looks to me

"me too" she says as I let a breath out didn't know I was holding

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