Chapter 13 Mila (ma)

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It was Family night at the club house. we all sitting around enjoying our self. except us ol ladies. we were in the kitchen with our wine and gossip cooking and laughing.

"we heard Elena is home" jamie ask

"question or statement" I bite back making the others look to jamie

"fuck Mila" she says sipping her wine she looks back to me


"she is" I state chopping the potatoes up

"haven't seen her around"

"fuck jamie statement or question" I grit out

"home or you lost her again" jamie ask making the other ol ladies brittle

"guess you will find out" I say smirking and Amanda acids mother look at me in shock. she knows about Elena hell its acids mother but my best friend.

"cryptic" she says as she is the youngest ol ladie we have. I look the new additions and smile. Elena would have made a good ol ladie.

"the younger crew" kira spits out shaking her head making me laugh as we finish up.

"the boys have pulled in" jamie says to us. I nod and smile. as they walk out

"I saw dean" Julie says looking at me I nod

"hard" she ask and I look to her

"no yes maybe" I say not knowing my self. I loved my husband and him getting killed. killed me in so many ways. more ways than one.

"mum" acid says to Amanda beam at her boy

"trace" she whispers in his ear earning a grunt. making me chuckle

"ahhh if it isn't mila" he says hugging me

"acid" I say smirking making him smile at me,

"ma" kaid says walking in with dean and zane dean has been around the club abit helping with security and shit but something about a program only my girl can put in place so its come to a stop thinking about my girl

"El" I ask as Amanda holds my hand but soon taken away from her by mark who kisses my neck and makes me shiver.

"coming" zane sing songs.

"the new lads doing alright" I ask kaiden

"yeah I guess" he says getting a bear from a bar girl

"really" mark says on a half smile

"he beat the fuck up out of two" z says adding to mark smirk

"father would never allow me giving any more chances" he says I nod and kiss his cheek

"your you not him" I whisper he nods and hold me tight but lets me go. my boys hold them selfs

"where dev" devil says walking over

"with elena" z says shaking his head I look to mark who shrugs and kaid shaking his head

"what" I ask

"she she um well fuck" mark says making me still

"she took out one of kaids men. he thought he would try jump me" zane says smiling

"ohhh" I say and dean pisses him self laughing as anna his women holds him tigh

"my girl holds her self" dean says getting a beer I nod feeling a little odd.

"she is yours and ur husbands child mila. its just she is a damn good kid" dean says I smile

"she is" I say as we move on to other talk and the guys talk about knew ideas and dean gives some advice but he is holding back. you can see he watches his phone and the door.

"she is here" he whispers in annas ear she smiles. few people she used to know are here okay everyone here she knows. we all sitting around drinking as the door comes open and Elena and Devon walk in laughing. her leather jacket zipping open and she is glowing.

"close the mouth boy" dean says to acid making everyone laugh around our table. mark shifts me as I walk over to see my girl and boy

"babies" I say as I grab Elena and then hug Devon.

"she speeds" Devon says and Elena looks to dean

"cover it" she says he nods and hold his phone up

"2 speed cameras had malfunctions" he says she smiles and fist bumps him

"thank the fucking Harleys" she says making me stop her father used to say that and I can tell it captured the room. no one has heard that been said since he was here since he held this very room.

"Beeer" she groans as z hands her a beer and she smiles taking her jacket of and sitting down to join us ignoring every ones side glances and shit. she has a few beers but stops. she eats and laughs and has fun. we played pool for a while. acid tried to talk to her but I have to snicker at the black eye he is sporting.

"she was clean" jamie says walking up to us I look to her

"yeah yeah I know but that was a statement" jamie says and I nod

"yeah" I say as she sits with chloe but I hear a squel as I see faith walk in

"fay" Elena beams

"omg your right the nail cream" faith says after a hug

"that's anna" she says as anna beams proud

"nails pedicures anything beauty and natural" Elena says as anna smiles

"I have home made facial mask too" she says leaving deans side and moves to talk girl talk.

"anna wont let it go. thinks she can turn Elena girlie" dean chuckles making the guys laugh even brings a smile to my face.

"she wont" acid says to his mother as they walk around the corner


"no" acid booms and I haven't heard him yell at his mother in all my years. but I see Elena walk over and grab Amanda and put her behind her shoulders up and spread

"shit' dean says standing but don't do a thing.

"Did you just speak to Amanda like that" she booms in her fathers tone surprising me she was always a taker. he goes to turn and walk about

"Trace" she says softer but he turns

"you, fuck, you Elena it was because of u" he says and she laughs

"I am not the excuse for your actions. your actions your responsibility" she says shaking her head

"like your habit" he says anger and I got to stop but kaid stops me

"yeah acid like my Habit. the one I tore every one apart from. the one that kept me away to heal. the one that made you a fucking dick" she says holding her self up right

"I learnt my actions made me me. I learnt so many things making my habit a ex habit" she says so stable.

"you left 7 damn years. then fucking hit me" he says but I look to kaid is he drunk he is missing whole lot

"no trace. I punched you because you taunted that you had a women who tried to make me use again. I left 7 years so I could pay back everyone and the club. I left to be stronger" she says placing a hand on his heart

"I left because I bought people to my level" she says as he relaxes she looks to me then acid

"come on" she says grabbing his hand and walking through the club with him following no argument. whispered in kaids ears he smiled and nodded and started the club back up for the night as they left in the club truck. I look to dean he shrugs anna bites her lip and the boys look to me in confusion. mark hugs me as I worry,

"she fine" dean says looking to me holding his phone making me nod and we start to drink and have a good night.

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