Chapter 12 Elana

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The first thing you do when your finally coming around. you take thunder for a ride. yeah you heard me. bringing to this point

"no" dean says fixing the r.v

"yes" I say looking at him

"you need money come to me" he says

"deeeaaaan" I whine yes not proud but I want some freedom today

"nope" he says so I wiggle my eyebrows

"I have other assets to get me a fix I don't need cash" I say as he goes to stand tall fast he hits his head on the bonnet of the car making me step back and cringe it would have hurt like a bitch

"farrrrk" he says I shake my head

"gee if god could hear your foul mouth. oh wait he does" I chid

"ride and home" he says I roll my eyes

"no fun dead no fun" I say straddling thunder.

"home soon" he yells I nod as I hear a roar of bikes behind me. slip my girl into gear and drive past smiling as I head out the drive way. I go the local bank and the guy who has loved me since school was on the desk. smiling and saunting my way over I explain its locked because I lost my bank card. he just nodded. nodded if he looked at the details he would have seen it done for other reasons. handing me 500 dollars as its all I needed. I walk out to the diner. eating lunch and got my ipod on. i am stuffing my face and singing and moving in my seat when I see someone walk in. I look up to see a old friend. I was friends with before my incident okay before I got involved in the drugs. she has a property patch on and with a few girls. I get another coffee and change my song. don't want to interfere with her day. I ignore her. not rude just pretend I don't see her.

"Elena" she says as I pull out a ear bud.

"faith" I say as she looks me up and down.

"your home" she says shocked I assume the club don't know a lot

"ahhh yeah I am" I say as her and her friends sit.

"shit girl you look good" she says I bit my lip

"you mean I didn't 7 years ago" I say as she quickly put her hand up her face showing regret. I laugh

"joking fay I looked like shit. I know that but 7 years Clean" I say thins but think wait dose being drugged count.

"wow" she says looking around

"how it feel to be home" she ask as I put bacon in my mouth

"don't know see the boys every day and mum every like 3rd" I say she smiles

"shit el" she says shaking her head I look to the girl who look awkward

"you girls" I ask

"that's crissy and that's hayles" fay says so calm but watches me

"sweet nice to meet u" I say as they gulp

"spit it" I say eating

"we hung with you when you where not clean" crissy says and I tilt my head and nod

"so we did" I say then look to fay

"well I have shopping and my nails need a good manicure" I say as she smiles I stand

"can we join" she says I nod

we spent the day doing things I should have done years ago instead of walking around finding a fix. I had the girls in fits of laughter. I was at star bucks when alone after that when acid walks in. I smile, its weak like we been hell close but I think he is a lady's man and it proves t when a girl struts to him. he smiles down at her. it pinches my heart but when she looks at me I see its the whore who tried to drug me. I lost my appetite for coffee and stood.

"el" acid says happy

"acid" I say instead of trace like I normal do. he frowns

"I see trying to make me do drugs was not exactly one sided" I say as he looks at me and I shake my head.

"best we stay clear of each other acid" I say as I went to move he must of clicked.

"I forgot" he declares making me more angry

"you forgot" I say slow and calm he nods and out of no where my fist collided with his face.

"I seem to forgot we don't his brothers" I say hissing. as I moved forward and climbed my ride. seeing him look back as me.

I rode back to the house and notice ma was there. groaning I walked in as everyones eyes meet mine.

"hey" I say grabbing peas from the freezer dean sees my fist and smirks

"hey you" anna says grinning

"u got to your account" dean says I smile

"500" I say handing him my receipts and change

"diner manicure pedicure and star buck oh and I bought a new tool box delivered tomorrow" I say smiling

"how' he ask and I rub my boob

"my assets" I say making mum and anna piss them selfs laughing

"bitch" he groans while I smile.

"thing is dean u love me" I say but kaid and devon walk in

"YOU HIT ACID" devon booms

"He started it" I say softer

"how" z says eating

" he wax cozy with the whore who tried to drug me" I say smiling at kaid coz I hit a brother

"he said he forgot" I say then add quickly

"and being away so much I forgot to not hit a brother" I declare making mum hide her face in marks kutte.

"forgot" kaid says

"yeah its going around" I say like its a virus

"hmm I bet" he says shaking his head and walking of. most prob to give acid a word of his own.

"you ever gonna give that boy a chance" mum ask as dean reply's

"no no she ant" he says kissing my temple making mum look away

"what he said" Devon says smiling at me while shaking his head.

"club this Friday please come. now u had lunch with the gossip queen" devon says

"hmm sure" I say looking to dean who nods as I speak.

This will be the hardest thing I have ever had to-do. go back to the one place that holds more memories good or bad still memories of my father. my love with acid. my child hood.

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