Chapter 20 Elena

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Well have you seen a grown man freak out. nope well I have and no not at our wedding either. he was calm as shit when he made me his in everyway. the day Reece dean slider was born trace freaked. he nearly missed the birth. Reece wanted out and out he did 2 months early. you heard right. we had the next enforcer to the club. another generation. lets tell you how it started.

I just finished the washing and sorting Reeces clothing as I accident found out I was having a boy. the sonographer felt bad but it was okay trace never knew. now me on the other hand had Braxton hicks for while. so when he said he had to do a run with devon I was okay with it. hell I was happy to have a break from his over bearing ways. he never let me do anything. I was on day two when I stood up from folding washing and a gush went through my pants. I looked down and seen my water break. so calmly I called trace. surprise surprise no answer. I called kaid no answer then dev then mum then z the one to pick up was z.


"my water broke and I cant hold of anyone" I say calm to hear a bunch of curse words

"can you drive" he ask when I hear jace tell him to stop freaking calm down and jace will come and get me. jace was a nurse. sexy right

"jace coming he is good with my sisters vagina" he says then stops

"I mean birth I mean fuck el he is just coming to help" z murmurs making me smile.

Its been 48 minutes I called trace over 60 times. when I see jace getting out of his car with z who has the phone up to his ears. they walk in while I am laying down. I'm sweaty and crying. all I want is trace

"el" z says low walking over to my side

"its early z too early I am not ready" I say frustrated

"if anyone can do this el its you" he says confident.

"he is crowning we don't have time for the hospital" jace says I look wide eyed

"but I need I need shit I need trace z" I panic

"yeah he said he on his way' z says holding the phone as a contraction takes over I scream. z puts the phone on speaker

"baby I'm coming" acid says

"no trace the baby is coming now its head is out" jace yells making me look to z who has a cloth wiping my face he coos at me but the door is smashed open I say smashed because out door was in fact glass. he runs over with my brothers dean anna and some club members and 3 cops who helped get the boys here faster. I had a cheer squad telling me to breath and to push. as I pushed the last push I saw my baby boy take his first breath. all gunky and gross but he was perfect. jace put him on my chest as acid moved my shirt a blanket over me and the baby. trace had tears and my body supported by his. jace sorting out my placenta and other crap. as the doctor kaid had bought to come to the house to check everything walks in and takes over. I held jace hand as I said thank you and trace did the same. I say z kiss the living hell out of jace. making me smile as trace wipes the hair from my face

"you did well baby he is perfect" he says making me smile down at him

"reece" I whisper and I think he agreed on the pure luck coz he didn't argue.

"im never leaving you again" he says kissing my head. making my brothers laugh. apparently after my voice message abusing him saying he will regret missing his first born being born made him punch my brother. devon took it saying he was sorry turns out devon shut the phones of. trace was everything but calm. he nearly missed this, he felt guilty for days, our son in his arms made him weak though. damn he was hot. if I don't stop watching it ill have another.

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