Chapter 4 Prez Kaiden

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we arrive back to the club house after the meeting with the other club and i was exhausted and tired but i am not sure the other prez was happy. but i wasn't going to let him drag drugs through my town. i was sitting at the bar with a whore on my lap and the boys with me. i had dev Zane rage acid bear ripper and viper we were laughing and joking around. the girls trying to get our attention but they are getting old we may need new pussy. i was laughing at Zane no matter how much he tells a whore he is gay they keep trying to change him. he gets frustrated. ding i look to my phone to see a msg from mum she hates texting so i open fast hoping nothing is wrong

#elana turned up# i read it out loud as they asked what mum wanted making me dev Zane and acid move fast we pretty much run out of the club, we climbed onto our rides as we roared them up to life and took of like we had the police up our ass. first thing i think is she better not want money she better not do anything stupid. we arrived fast and i spot a Harley Davidson sportster i look to the boys we all shrug not know what to expect its unnerving

"raven blue" reading the number plate making the guys look at the ride one more time these bikes are expensive has my hackles up even more. after she bolted from the clinic i thought i would find her in a ditch a morgue hell a strip club. i run up the stairs slamming the door open to shout

"RAVEN BLUE don't you" but I'm stopped when Elena is standing in front of me slipping her jacket back on and ma is scowling me slamming the door open i look her up and down multiple times i cant speak she she she looks fucking amazing and good and healthy not like the last time i saw her. the last time i saw Elena was the day we sent her to the facilities and she was a twig a shadow a sick grey organ failing skeleton. i stood froze in time. what caught me was mas words as she hands me a red and gold chip

"7 years clean, my baby did it k she fucking did it" she says tears in her eyes i go to run out and stop her talk to her but i see is her riding of down the drive way. i go to run to my bike ma stopped me

"she left you a letter same as us all. she is in town at the new inn she wants to fix everything" ma says but to me she has nothing to fix she is healthy she is clean she is home okay i want answers. ma walks us inside

"i got a hug" Zane says jumping each step like a spoilt brat mum smiles at him

"we got to talk" ma says to us as we all sit she brings us a beer and hands us all our letters. she tells us what Elena says and what happen and what she dose and she is doing real well for her self. she is like nomad though just traveling around. i open my hard envelope and it a wad of cash and a small letter. i look to everyone and they shocked as me acid speaks

"she paying us what she owes from her habit" he says look to ma who looks to me her wad was massive i open my letter

My k

I am not going to apologise big brother it wont do me any good what i done 7 years ago to you and all the ones i love was heartless and not fair. we all lost father we all had pain. i made my pain disappear not the best way nor healthiest up at the time it felt right kaiden. i thought i was okay i thought i could handle until i couldn't k. i took advantage of you and your big heart. i took advantage of my family. the ones i should have turned to for help but i was a coward k. i was hurting and i wanted the images of daddy to leave me. i wanted to disappear but i couldn't. i did things i ant proud of, Out of it all k it was you who got me wanting to live. when i was detoxing i remembered what you told me the night you and i last spoke. the night you told me what i was doing to my Mumma the night i left and done something stupid. the same time you saved me. you gave me life k. i got another chance. if you don't ever forgive me that's okay i burnt the bridge and sometimes rebuilding is too much. i need you to take the money as i know your going to argue but k i need this for my recovery i need to know i paid you back. ill never pay you back for the things you did for me and the demons i left behind but i am sorry k'

love your raven bird


i look to the others and some have tears some looked shocked. acid up and leaves i hear his bike roar to life as i look to everyone Zane shrugs i look to ma she watched the door and looked to me.

"he sent me a msg" Devon says looking at me

"and:" i say as that was odd behaviour for acid

"he said he needs to see Elena alone" he says eyes wide i look to mum and she bits her lip and i look closer she is hiding a smile

"mum" i ask

"come on he ran out wants alone time rather 1 they fight and then hash things out or 2 they hash things out" mum says but i disappoint her

"or he looses it and she goes to find a fix' i say and she shakes her head

"you have no idea what dean her helper and boss has done to make her stronger sweet boy she ant the weak kid we had" she says standing and walking to the kitchen i look to the boys and they shrug

"she is coming for breakfast in the am" ma says looking at us

"your welcome to join but don't make her leave" she says we nod but we decide to stay at mums tonight her man will be home later but it will be good to see ell in the morning.

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