Chapter 6 Prez Kaiden

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The morning started of well we all sat around talking laughing and smiling. Elena had some funny stories about her travels making us laugh at her courage as she never had any before. she has grown into a beautiful and strong women. when acid turned up with Vikki. i was seeing red but Elena handled her self like a pro like she wasn't fazed but i saw the hurt before she masked it. and masked she did. she never ignored them added them into the conversations. when he started with commenting about her work and the guy. i wanted to punch him but the guy was hurting and when acid hurt. he likes to hurt back and he felt this was it.

Now though i am seeing red the whore gave her a fucking full syringe. full and ready to be used. proud she never used it but it made me and my family look bad to someone who we have missed more than life its self. i looked to acid

"YOU MAY BE PISSED BROTHER BUT THIS" i say raising the fucking needle up to him

"i didn't prez i didn't fucking do that i would never i love Elena" he says and recognition hits him in a title wave but I'm too pissed

"she thinks we did this" mum says crying

"of course she dose her first 24hrs here and this bitch offers' her a easy fix a free fucking fix" Dev screams at acid

"ill find her" acid says standing like he can fix this.

"no no you just fuck of man you done enough" i yell as i throw my plate I've had it. we had her i was going to get her to come home. stay home be with us be a fucking family. but no acid had to bring this whore.

we walk to our bikes and roll out, we all head in different direction and despite my anger acid still helped search. i couldn't find her anywhere i mean it. it had been a few hours tap called me and that was an hour ago saying she was last seen on surveillance at the gas stop. i searched there and nothing.

i get back to ma's and i sit and have a smoke thinking where else she could be. i see her phone calling and see its dean i grab it while the brothers hang around thinking i flick it to speaker

"she isn" i go to start talk but i get cut of by a massive big voice and I'm shocked at the tone.

"WE FUCKING KNOW SHE IS GONE" he says pissed

"LOOK" i go to start but cut of again

"her tracker shows where she is I'm going now. do you have a safe environment away from everything she wont be on good shape when i find her someone injected her with something her heart rate is fast and rapid she isn't gonna be good" he says pissed

"what do you mean" i ask I'm confussed how dose he know this how dose he know where she is.

"i have a device in Elena. tells me where she is and if she has had anything. she has but its not her normal choice of toxin and this one can set of a train reaction i can tell she don't want it by her heart rate. now i know where she is but i need to contact my men" he says

"i got men" i comment he tells me where to meet him and we roll out. i look to ma who looks pissed and ready to kill.

we pull up to where he is and we all look to each other this guy looks like our father. he is big massive and he has weapons galore in his truck i don't ask questions. he makes sure we all have our shit and a woman walks out with a sniper

"i got your back baby. get our girl" she says and he nods

"what happen" dean ask and i tell him he looks at me

"she was scared that would happen"

"we didn't though man i was fucking stocked to have her back"

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