Chapter 11 Prez Kaiden

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I have been spending my time checking on Elena the club mum and the boys. I feel like all I am doing is running around. my vp blade has taken over a lot for me but acid being my enforcer and being at mine with el has been hard but I get it. lucky for me she woke up two weeks ago. not perfect. she has to train and work up her body in so many ways. she is doing though. when she notice the shakes she shakes them out then gets dressed. my brothers will get fit someone always follows her. she don't need it but I think they do.

today mark is bring mum. el made sure she had a work out and run. we just watched her take out Devon making me laugh. he isn't easy but she noticed him favour his right side and dean smiled like she did something he taught her. like a proud father would. I made sure I did all the club work this morning and had church while dean had her out doing shit. anna has complete control of my kitchen. I am loving the food though man she can cook. she told me she made princess learn. I laughed until she showed me videos of her in the kitchen making food with a bunch of snobby women. part of her recovery she helped with the fundraisers and had to make dean and anna proud with their clubs. Elena did without question.

"mum is at the gate" Devon says hitting the button.

"el is shooting" I say as mum arrived early

"ill radio dean" anna says wiping her hands down her apron. damn

she hits a button on her watch

"blues mum here" she says and it dings

"raven is jogging back" he says back and I frown

"you don't use Elena" I say

"no your perceptive" she teases

"Elena is our princess in every prospect kaiden, she is the daughter we never had. she can balance someone. Elena just don't suit the person she rebuilt. she rebuilt a raven a strong bird" she says I nod knowing what she means

"its why dad called her his raven blue" I say she smiles

"I know isn't it amazing" she says to me she is on a another planet but I think its her Quirke I like about her.

"it is" z says walking down the stairs in jus shorts

"dude shirt" I say

"dude anna baked" he says like its self spoken for making me laugh as she pinches his cheeks

"ill save anything for you handsome" she says making him smile at her.

"you can pinch my cheeks anytime if your cooking" he says running back up for food making her laugh

"that boy reminds me of my son. he was gay you know" she says and it clicks why she looks at him like she wants to eat him. she hasn't grieved her son fully and she try's by helping every ones else.

"kaid" Elena screams come at me

"el" I say catching her

"omg kaid I found a cave" she says excited and I shoot her a look she smiles and looks to anna

"we went hunting" she sing songs

"oh no u didn't" she says

"a bear a whole fucking bear and I get to skin it" she says smiling making me look at her elena hated bad things happening to animals.

"kaid you hear me. you want to help" she says clicking her fingers in my eyes

"el mum is here" I say she smiles bigger

"don't tell her about my bear" she says making me chuckle she used that voice she had as a kid the one she would use when she hide things from ma for dad.

"not on my life" I whisper making her run up the stairs while texting I look to anna

"part of deans hobbies at first she gave him lectures on animal cruelties. that didn't go as planned. he showed her what he dose with it" she says and I frown

"what dose he do" I ask

"he used the fur for blankets and clothes for homeless during cold months. the meet flesh ect is dog food for homeless dogs and depends on the animal its taken to the animal shelter" she says proud of her husband making me nod I can picture anna getting on board with that.

"mum" I say as her and mark walk in

"mark" I say hand shaking him and hug mum

"how is she" she ask and I nod

"good she just went up stairs to freshen up" I say she nods and looks to anna

"something smells good" she says anna laughs

"I promised first serve to zany" she says smiling she has Zane a nick name making me laugh as mum laughs z loves food.

"Mumma" el says bounding down the steps like nothing fazes her but I see the shake she has in her hand so I grab the stress ball I made and slip it into her hand making her side hug me. in thanks.

"mark how's the shop" el ask sitting down popping vitamins anna gives her

"good love we just got on a new guy" he says sitting next to her

"oh wow really" she says turning to him and they start their convo and mum and anna start in the kitchen after grill was called over annas watch by dean.

the afternoon was going well. acid and Devon turned up both pulling the shit out of el but she took it like nothing. she gave it back and Devon tried to get under her skin but she would get him back making him get more creative and I see this turning bad.

"your gonna get aids" she says handing him his phone

"why" dev ask

"I just hacked your number d its filthy" she says wiggling her eyebrows while dean chuckles

"shiiit" dean says as he stands and she runs

"come on big boy show me what you got" she taunts

"you did read it" he yells

"ohhhh dev ill give you a good time" she says while using acid as a wall

"ahuh don't use me" acid says

"trace don't be a tracey" she says behind him making him turn and grab her and dev got to her and they both smile as they throw her in the pool

"fucking fripples" she yells making mum laugh

"she still wont say nipples' she says

"I can too. fripples is when your called and they go hard" she says wiggling her eyebrows at mum who is chocking on her wine.

after awhile we all drinking talking and playing pool.

"dean" she whispers but I can hear

"princess" he ask. she holds out her hands with a tear in her eyes. she looks at mum who is happy and enjoying talking to anna

"come on" I say to her

"we have a bear to skin" I say and she smiles

"ill come" Devon says

"where you guys running of to" mark ask and I smile and whisper making him chuckle

"this I got to see" he says laughing

"boys" mum ask

"taking el to-do some training" dean say mum bites her lip

"ill help anna clean up" she says I nod and we move out.

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