Chapter 3 Elena Raven Blue

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I get dressed into my black and dark green corset and my leather pants and my black petite riding boots. slip on my leather jacket and slip on some light make up. i look around making sure i have everything my laptop check, my phone and charger check, my clothes and bathroom shit check looking around the room is empty smiling at my organisation and i climb onto my black Harley Davidson sportster my personalised plates. i turn her on to hear her roar feeling the slight rumble between my legs grinning like a foul. i love my girl her and i have done some traveling. slipping my aviators on over my eyes. as i reversed her in last night i was able to ride on out nice and easy and smooth as she purrs down the road. getting onto the road and leaving this place to return to the one i sunk my life to. i missed knowing i belong somewhere just don't think hummer valley will be it.

Coming into town i smile i thought it would never change to be honest. i thought it would be the same or worse. turns out its better its clean kids are smiling and playing family's out enjoying their summer day. business open and flowers everywhere blooming. lawns are green and houses are tidy the air even smells different just more somehow i smell health. this place has become mentally healthy. going through town i smile seeing all the new changes and the spots i used to have are all gone. no one standing leaning on the walls waiting to sell the next best thing. the newest drug they have brewed in some sort of home lab or caravan. leaving town i head towards mums. my stomach in knots and my head spinning with ideas and scenarios. nothing can prepare you for this yet I've run over things in my head thousands of times even though i cant change a thing. i pull up to her long drive way. i slip to a slow gear as my bike roars down through the tall trees. the breeze is around me. i pull up and see she is home as a car is still in the drive way. i hop of my ride and slip my hands over my thighs to get the sweat of. it doesn't work but it was worth a shot. i haven't come all the way to back out now. i walk my self up the stairs to see the old porch swing daddy used to sit with me on and i gulp but it don't pain me like it used to. no this time i smile at the memory of him holding me telling me my history of the mc and how ill grow to be strong mc girl. i walk to the door once before i would walk straight in and yell for her but today i ring the bell. i stand and million things going through my head i slip my hands into my pocket. as the door opens her face and eyes widen

"hey Mumma" i say low and half a smile if she closes the door i know she hates me if she opens the door she could still hate me but wants to talk about what happen

"my Elena blue" she says swigging the door open fast and engulfs me in a hug and cry's

"Mumma" i say in her neck as she cries into my neck

"mmmmy baby" she says in a shaky cry

"Mumma I'm okay" i whisper low and she pulls back and looks me up and down and half smiles

"come in baby come have some afternoon tea" she says shaking she goes to move and i grab her hand and bring it to my lips and kiss her knuckles

"i missed u" i say as she hold my hand tighter and whispers the same

we move on in and i sit at the table she touches me every second she can and she moves between kitchen and me and we are silent. i look around the house to see its still the same except loads fancier and well has all our old photos still up on the walls just better frames and the place is clean and big and somehow home. but i stay seated as i smell the coffee brewing i smile to my self my mum dose make a good brew. she sits and places a tray of assorted cheeses meats crackers and other things with a cup of her famous coffee. smiling i look up to her as she places a hand over mine

"your Okay:" she questions

"i am i had a long recovery but I'm good mum clean 7 years" i say making her smile when i slip my 7 year chip on the table.

"7 years" she says holding the red and gold chip

"yeah was a struggle but i had help" i say

"how you logged your self out of the clinic and that was only after a week" she says frowning

"The day i stopped you and Zane visiting was the hardest of them all i couldn't face you guys. i couldn't let you see me like that i needed to make my self better. the same day a couple come they had another way mum. they helped me. i signed over to their care and they took care of me. they were not soft. they had control and they kept me monitored in more than one way. dean looked like dad mum i think it helped you know. but soon after that the years piled on and i become stronger fitter healthier then my work took of and here i am" i say smiling

"I'm proud of you Elena" she says soft. we talk a lot about the boys and the club mum meet a man of the club who i know so that's weird but I'm happy for her that's for sure. she seems happy and well adjusted, she learns more about me and what i do. she loves I'm adjusted well. i go to say my good byes

"can you give this to the boys" i say to mum and hand her 5 envelopes






inside has the money i ow and more and then a note saying how sorry i am for everything. she looks at me not knowing what's inside

"open when i leave" i say smiling but i hear the roar of motorbikes a massive roar telling me its more than one ride. i go to turn to leave. i not sure I'm up for more than one person right now and after hearing about the rage and shit i feel its best i let them come to me one on one or something. i turn and walk towards the door and it bangs open and a roar and boom of one voice that i missed but scared of

"RAVEN BLUE don't you" he stops looks at me from top to bottom acid Devon and Zane behind him doing the same thing. up and down i bit my lip and move out of the house i reach my bike and Zane runs out

"Elena stop please stop" he shouts i turn and see a big guy jogging up to me he pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head

"z" i say soft i have a tear in my eye as i freak out a little but z was my little brother i mean i thought he was gay and i think i was right i can scent this shit.

"e" he says signing in contentment

"i got to go z but ma has my number and where I'm staying call me we will eat yeah" i say he smiles down at me and smile back and climb on my ride. as i ride out i see in my side mirrors the men run out to stand where z is watching me ride on down the old drive way. i get back on the road and speed down the back roads to the new inn i saw coming into town. i pull up and walk over to the reception and lucky for me they have a nice room available for me to take on for how ever long i need,

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