Episode Seven, Part 2:

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Episode Seven, Part 2:
Your Heart Has a Secret

Kodiak and Wynn were both apprehensive, following Sol into one of the rooms in the Quarters. She shut the door behind them, securing them all inside the room along with Dreea who had been waiting for them. 

"You two worked it out yet?" Kodiak asked, afraid that they would bite his head off for his prying question. 

Sol rolled her eyes. "Yes, we have actually. And we think we've figured out how to take them down." 

"Seriously?" Wynn asked. He was trying not to let himself get too hopeful, but he trusted Sol without even hearing what the idea was. 

Sol nodded, smiling sincerely at him. 

"It all revolves around the dams," she began, "and how we're gonna breach them-" 

"Like a flood?" Kodiak asked. 

"Yeah," Sol agreed. "We're going to lure Targo and Riders to pass by the lower river and that's when we'll give the command to break the dam. By the time they realise what is happening, the water will already be spilling down and it will hit them before they can get away." 

Kodiak and Wynn looked to each other; it had potential, and a flood and that scale could be enough to wipe the clans out, but there was a lot that could go wrong. 

"How exactly do you plan on leading them that way?" The Sovereign asked. 

Dreea looked to Sol at Kodiak's question, knowing the boys would take the news better if it came from her. 


"No. No way." Kodiak immediately protested, folding his arms and shaking his head. 

"Sol, my sister stays inside this camp. You know that." Wynn queried her, worried that she had forgotten the promises she had made to him. 

"No, I know," Sol assured him. "But trust me, Dreea and I have looked at every option-" 

"Then why the hell have you concluded to take her out of Basilisk? Need I remind you what happened the last time she left? They captured her." 

"Of course, I know that. If you'd just let me explain!" 

"Fine." Kodiak sighed. "Go on, then." 

Sol exhaled a nervous breath, needing the both of them to agree with her for the plan to work. 

"We agree to their deal - that will force Rhea into bringing most, if not all of her people along, expecting it to be some kind of trap. Meanwhile, Wynn leaves with Quill and Elara-" 

"I'm not putting Quill in danger, too-" Wynn panicked, putting his foot down at the idea of having both of them outside of Basilisk. 

"Please, Wynn," Sol pleaded softly. "Just listen." 

She waited for him to give in, the boy caving at her warmth, letting her continue. 

"With all of their people at Basilisk, their labs will be empty." 

"The labs?" Kodiak asked, trying to figure out why they needed to go back there again. They had enough of the serum to last Elara a while. 

"Yeah. Their radio tower is just outside. We'll need you, Wynn, to shut it down." 

"What will that do?" Wynn asked. 

"It will stop their radios from working if there's anyone left inside the labs," Dreea explained. 

"And that matters because?" Wynn searched. 

"Because we'll need you to kill whoever's left inside..." 

Wynn took a step away. He didn't know if he could do that, or if he could keep his siblings safe. 

"I... I don't think-" 

"You can do it," Sol assured him. She wanted to reach over and comfort him, but after what Dreea had said to her, she was worried they would think she was allowing her judgement to be clouded. "You did it to that guard when we were there together, I know you can do it again. Besides, there'll be a couple of guards there at most and I've trained you for something like this." 

After a moment of contemplation, Wynn nodded. He didn't know if it was going to work, or if Sol was right to have that much hope in him, but he had to try. It almost felt like if Sol believed in him, he could do anything. 


Everyone started making their way out of the room once the meeting was done, but Wynn didn't show any indication of leaving. Sol stayed behind him with, and as Dreea turned to shut the door behind her, she gave her a knowing look. 

Pushing all her nerves away, Sol shifted her attention to Wynn. 

"Everything okay?" 

He slowly brought his eyes up to look at her, forcing the words out of him. 

"I'm...afraid. So much could go wrong. I don't want to lose anyone else." 

Sol sighed, stepping closer to him. Her hand grabbed onto his arm. For a moment, she was prepared to pull it away, but something else told her not to - as if she knew that Wynn needed her. 

"I know. But you can't ever be brave without being scared first, right?" She tried to make it a little more lighthearted, but she knew there would still be a part of him that would struggle to fully believe her. 

Wynn chuckled, feeling better now that she was so close. 

"You really think I can keep them both safe out there?" 

"Wynn..." Sol's voice was low, her eyes bright with affection. "Do you trust me?" 

He looked down into her eyes, gazing. He already knew the answer, but he just wanted an excuse to stare for a couple more moments. Eventually, he nodded, still not looking away. 

"Good. Because I know you can do this. Other than what happens at the labs, your job is to keep Elara safe. She'll be with you the entire time, okay? So you don't have to worry about her." 

Wynn nodded again, trying to cling onto her words. She was right; if there was anything that could get him through this, it was knowing that he would be able to keep Elara protected the entire time. 

Sol forced a smile onto her face, squeezing tightly onto his arms before she pulled away. As she went to leave, she stopped in the doorway, offering one final thing to Wynn. 

"I trust you too, by the way." 

Seven // Part Two
I know you can do this.

Okay, so I have fixed my dilemma! I was worried that this book was going to be really long and have an awkward amount of chapters, or that I would have to make it into an additional season (Season 4B), but I've worked around it! I've spent the last 2 days drafting the chapters for the next book (all of which would have been this season), and it works perfectly for book 5! Literally, it will continue to be 43 chapters (the same as book 1, 2, 3, and 4). So this book is almost done, which feels incredibly fast, but I'm so eager to get on Season 5 as its the big one!

I might even have the first chapter out in a couple of days!

Hope you're all staying safe and staying home!


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