Episode Three, Part 1:

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Episode Three, Part 1:
Unforgivable Things

The wars of our father's are not ours to bear. 

When Sol got the alert on her radio that Kodiak had woken up, she wanted to run to him. But she couldn't. Part of her responsibility as Nobel required her to face up to what needed to be done, even when her heart wanted nothing more than to get to someone, or be with someone. 

She sent Wynn to return to the Quarters, knowing she had to take advantage of what time she could get alone, and made her way to cells of Basilisk. 

She dismissed all but one of the guards upon her arrival and made sure the door was shut securely behind her so no one could listen in, bravely turning around to face Rogue. 

The last time she stood there, it was Eryx who was chained up to the wall. Sol felt uncomfortable at the vision - how it didn't feel like a memory, but a fresh wound - as if the fear and betrayal was just as strong as when it was happening. 

Looking at Rogue, it was different; Sol wasn't afraid of him, but she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get vengeance for Noah, or that her decision would hurt Jonas. She only had one chance when it came to deciding what happened to Rogue, and it had to benefit her people. 

"I was wondering when you were going to visit," Rogue announced. He stood to his feet when the Sovereign stepped up to the bars - the chains on his hands restricting him from moving right up to the barrier. 

Sol hummed as if to contemplate if his words bothered her, but she shrugged her shoulders to show him that she didn't care what he said.  

"How did the serum feel, Rogue?" She knew she was taunting him, and she loved every second of it. She let go of the act of trying to move on from Noah for just one moment and tried to harvest all of the spiteful things he would have said to his dad if he was still alive. 

Rogue sighed, clearly annoyed by the question. "Well I'm still here, aren't I?" 

Sol laughed. "You think I did that to you to kill you?" She asked. "That would be too easy. Because of you... No, because of me," she corrected, "our doctors know more about how the serum works. Now we're one step closer to the 'Heir or Targo' making a complete recovery... So I guess you could say you helped your enemy and simultaneously took down all of Targo's progress on her." 

Rogue breathed hot with rage and a darkening look consumed his features. Sol had a point that to some extent, Rogue had given them answers to help Elara, but they were still wrong about one thing. 

"Maybe you're right about understanding more about how the serum works, but you don't know enough. I assume the Heir isn't doing too well?" Rogue asked. 

By Sol's resistance to answer, and the folding of her arms, Rogue knew he was right. 

He chuckled. "You've yet to learn that the girl won't heal. The only thing that will save her is if you let Targo complete the Alteration." 

"What about you? You've had the serum too. Does that mean the same will have to happen to you?" 

Rogue contemplated if he should tell her the truth. There was nothing to gain from it either way, but there was some bitter enjoyment he had in revealing that they wouldn't be able to force Rogue into the same transition or suffering as Elara. 

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