Episode Three, Part 5:

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Episode Three, Part 5:
Unforgivable Things

"There you are!" 

Someone grabbed onto Elara's wrist as she was walking through camp, spinning her around to face whoever it was that spoke. Ares was smiling at having found his sister and began leading her with him before she could wrap her mind around what was happening. 

"Ares, where are we going?" She asked as he pulled her in front of him, keeping a hand on her back as he guided her where to go. 

"You'll see soon enough." Ares laughed. 

"If this some intervention to-" 

"It's not, I promise." He said sincerely, glancing down at his sister. He was so grateful that she was safe, and he had to push away all worries about the Alteration from his mind, and just focus on that: she was safe, she was with him, she was alive. 

Just as Elara was about to continue with her questions, she saw Wynn and Quill up ahead. Ares let go of her once he knew she had seen them, and waited for her to make her way over. 

Elara stopped in her tracks, turning around to face Ares. 

He held his hands up in surrender, smiling, knowing what she was thinking. "It's nothing, I swear. Riverly gave us strict instructions to not ask you anything." 

Elara contemplated and let out a heavy sigh. She was hesitant at first but hearing her brother's words match what Sol had promised her gave her the assurance to head over to her brothers. 

They were sitting on the edge of a roof, their langs dangling over. It was some sort of shed they were on - built into the ground, with a metre-or-so room below them between the door of the shed, and the fence of Basilisk. Directly in front of the boys was the most magnificent view Elara had ever seen: there was nothing particularly special about it, but to Elara it wasn't so much the hills of green forest they could see in the distance, but oddly enough, the fence. It was a reminder to her that she was safe inside Basilisk, and with Kodiak and her brothers being with her, it was everything she needed. 

She walked up behind the boys, sitting herself down beside Wynn. She left a space between her and Quill for Ares to join them. 

Once they were all together, Elara leaned her head onto Wynn's shoulder and breathed out. This was the moment she had fought her life for. It was worth everything. 

"I told you what Riverly said," Ares began, placing his hand on his sister's knee. He knew those words alone would make her afraid, and they did: she worried that they had all conspired together to get her to talk... 

"And we want you to know that you can tell us anything-" 

"Ares," Elara sighed. She lifted her head off of Wynnlow's shoulder and collapsed into herself as if trying to hide herself away. She buried her face in her hands, resting her elbows on her legs, unable to cope with the pressure. 

"No, Ell," Wynn murmured, trying to pull her hands away, but she wouldn't allow him to. 

"You can tell us anything," he re-emphasized Ares' point, "but we're not going to force you to until you're ready. We just want you to know that we'll be here with you whenever that is." 

Elara moved her hands from her face so she could see again, but she remained slouched forward and feeling far from everyone. 

"What if I'm never ready?" She grieved. Suddenly overcome with emotion, Elara's voice cracked. She wasn't miserable or scared again, she was just frustrated. 

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