Episode Five, Part 5:

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Episode Five, Part 5:
You'll Always Have a Family

It was the middle of the night by the time Sol and Wynn returned to Basilisk. Everyone was back now, and they knew Targo would have figured out that they had raided the labs, but that was a problem for another time. 

Sol and Wynn headed into the Sovereign's Quarters; only a few people had the energy to wait up for them: Kodiak, Dreea, and Ares. 

Sol was engulfed by her fellow Sovereigns, as Wynn was to Ares, each of them revelling in the small victory they had achieved. 

"How much did you get?" Kodiak asked, his voice wavering between hope and doubt. 

Rather than answering, Sol let a smile overcome her, and she pulled her bag around, opening it up for everyone to look inside. 

"Wow," Kodiak sighed, pushing his head up, out of his face. 

Ares came over to take a look, worried as he had only managed to secure one, but the fear melted away as he looked into the bag. Excitement consumed him and he pulled Sol in for a hug, letting go to do the same to his brother. 

"She's gonna be okay," he breathed out, smiling as he faced the Sovereigns. 

"For the meantime..." Dreea reminded him. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy seeing all of them so relieved, but that she couldn't stand to see them disappointed if it wasn't enough to keep Elara safe in the long run. 

"Well, Wynn grabbed a few things," Sol announced, looking to him to pull out his bag. 

Wynn understood, walking over to the closest table and setting out everything he had collected. 

"We don't know what half of it is," she said, "but we're pretty sure it's used to make the serum. Hopefully, Aeryn and Fenn can figure that part out. Until then, I reckon what we've got will last Elara for a little while." 

"Do we know how much of it we're supposed to give to her? Or how often? Did dad say that?" Wynn looked over at Ares, wondering if Kane had ended up revealing to them how to use it. 

Dreea and Ares shared a cautionary look, as it both remembering how the encounter between Kane and Ares had gone down, understanding why neither of them were particularly keen on talking about it. 

"Uh, no," Ares answered softly, all of his levity suddenly melting away. "No, he didn't mention that." 

Wynn could see that there was something off about his brother's reply, but Ares purposefully avoided eye contact with everyone, pretending not to notice their searching. 

"Where is she? Should we try and give her some now?" Sol asked, looking at Kodiak and Dreea for an answer. 

"No, but we can give it a go in the morning. She had a rough night again," Kodiak trailed off, sighing as he glanced at Dreea and Ares. 

"What happened? Is she okay?" Wynn looked to Ares, thinking he would be the one to respond, but he stayed quiet. Noticing the shift in Ares, and the panic in Wynn and Sol, Kodiak jumped to an answer. 

"A vision again." He said. "Probably because you weren't here, Wynn. She always seems to be worse when one of you aren't around - like it's a subconscious thought in her mind." 

"But she's okay now, right?" Wynn continued. 

"Yeah," Kodiak nodded, sounding relieved himself. "Quill and I have been with her. They're both in my room. You guys can go in there as well, tonight, if you like?" 

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