𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 (𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐞)

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A/N: okay listen up, this shit is the longest one shot i've written and i decided to not cut it into parts and publish it as it is. So it has 9,280 words. Good luck with that peaches. I would like to apologize in advance for those who will make it in the end. it's gonna be tough :)) 

The coffee shop is near to closing, just twenty minutes away and no one has been coming in for the last thirty minutes. All the tables have been cleaned, chairs have been arranged neatly to perfection. The whole place is basically spotless and empty.

The weather outside isn't as lovely either, it is hot and humid even for a Sunday evening, the air seems to be growing thin and dry, understandably that a cup of hot coffee is not so idealistic at the moment.

As I spritz water mixed with a small ratio of cleaning solution to wipe off the stains on the counter that has gotten dry over the time somebody walks in, making the heavy old door creak in a creepy manner, I swear that has got to be replaced. Promptly, she is welcomed by Mr Toshiba, the owner of the place. In snail speed, he saunters behind the counter to assist the woman himself. Can't blame the man if he is too eager to serve the customer.

I continue wiping the countertop, glancing discreetly over the customer as I can. I hear her order an espresso on the go, before Mr Toshiba can ask me to do it since the other employees are now in the back room. I nod and comply, making the woman an espresso. She patiently waits on the side tapping her fingers over the counter and taking in the ambiance of the shop. It is weird that I can't search for any emotion on her face, her eyes aren't that s expressive at all.

Mr. Toshiba's cane clinks cut me off from the wonders in my head reminding me of what I should be doing. It's easy for me to move now having nobody else in the working area but myself and Mr Toshiba who stands in front of the cashier register holding onto his cane, his tired eyes are meticulously observing me. "Too much coffee grounds." He said as I scoop three tablespoon, "No, Sir it's the right amount she ordered medium. Right, Miss?" and I have taken the chance to glance back for a little longer this time and wow, I must admit she's beautiful. Exquisitely stunning. She didn't give much but a half-smile and a quick nod. In the back of my head, I know I have seen her maybe a few days back... I was just too busy to actually acknowledge her...

It's done momentarily, I attached the lid over the cup, took a sharpie from the pocket of my apron and drew a smiley face over the cup before wrapping it with tissue. "Here's your espresso, Miss." Not to seem like I'm flirting but I smiled at her, that kind of enthusiastic grin that brings out the teeth and reaches the eyes. I hoped she's return the smile but she only bit on her lip and look down at the espresso.

As she extend out her hand the long sleeve of her white dress inched up revealing patches of discoloured skin going up from her wrist, they look like bruises but worse, doesn't seem so normal to me. When I looked around, Mr Toshiba isn't where he used to be and I perceive his heavy footing echoing to the back room. "It'll be on the house, Miss." I said nicely still keeping the smile.

"No, It's all right. I will pay for it." Pursing my lips together, she handed out a dollar bill. "I insist." I watch her push the dollar over the counter then I look back up at her, shamelessly looking straight to her pools of honey-brown eyes. They lack of life and hope but those didn't strip away the fact that they are beautiful. She look back down then quirk her brow at me.

I sighed, taking the dollar and readying her receipt and soon she's turning her back on me, clutching on her purse and the cup of her coffee. Has she had a really tough day? Base on how her shoulders rest and the gloominess that lies within her tone, I'd say she has. "Don't lose hope for a better tomorrow just because today has been unkind to you." The blonde woman stops, when she turns around she's already gnawing on her lip. The eye connection lingers for a bit, "Thank you." She mutters, drawing the tiniest beam she could with her plump lips and left.

𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝟐.𝟎Where stories live. Discover now