Just watched them slowly make their way towards me and I could see the rain pour in a certain area. It was slowly gravitating towards me, causing me to become excited by such a thing.

I sigh, trying my best to not let any tears fall until the rain came. It's not like it would make any difference because I felt too numb. There was no tears building in my eyes and I felt hollow.

"Father if you are listening...I want you to tell me why." I breathe as I began to feel rain drops hit me. The drops increasing in number every second. "I confessed to you how Darius was changing everything for me. He opened up doors for me that I shut. He made me feel happy again. I don't even know why I'm asking, but did you see this coming - at all?"

I shook my head in frustration to the silence. My eyes closing as the rain began to cool my face that was heating up quickly.

"Let us stay together and make memories."

Hearing Darius' voice, I close my eyes tightly as I try to get his voice out of my head. I didn't want to remember too sweet memories because it made me miss him even more.

"We made countless ones already, so why not make even more. Don't end the memories of us both together like this... Full of precious tears and broken hearts, right?"

I took a deep breath, having to calm my nerves. I was getting deeper and deeper in memories. It didn't sit well with me - this torment!

It's like what I told him, I rather remember the memory of leaving him then all the memories we made - then I lose him. It makes it much more painful, and I was right.

Yet he always countered my words and argued, but they were logical arguments. I began to believe them and think I would never lose him in such a way that I did.

As I sat still I began to feel like I was being crept up on. My senses heightening as I decide to act like I didn't realize it.

Though I was on my roof, it felt like someone was on the roof with me... That's when I decide to stand and walk towards the edge of the roof. Looking down into my backyard, I wait as I could feel this person edging closer.

The closer they became the more angrier I became because their presence was all too familiar. It made me want to...kill. The flashes of red haven't appeared ever since Darius was murdered, but I could see them coming back now.

When I felt a hand touch my shoulder I turned fast and grabbed their arm. Shoving them off the roof and I see them fall to the ground, only to land quite rhythmically. To see them look up at me I gasp loudly, practically falling onto my bottom in fear.

"Achille I just want to speak with you."

I shook my head as I saw one of Sabin's sons from that night jump onto the roof. His eyes full of concern as he just looked at me. My nerves were at an all-time high because he was the reason why I couldn't save Darius.

"How...how dare you come here and show yourself to me?" I croak, shaking my head as I stood. "Do you have no shame?! Do you realize how much pain you brought me?!"

His son nodded, but he clasped his hands together as if he was begging me. He began to come towards me only for me to back away.

"My father has his reasonings for doing what he did-."

"There is never a reason to murder my whole world!" I shriek, and I suddenly found myself standing before him. My hand grabbing his wrist as I hold it tightly, causing the man to fall onto his knees. "How does it feel? To be on your knees and feel helpless?!"

"Horrible! Let me explain-."

"Explain what?!" I snap, shoving him away as he almost fell off the roof. Once he was able to catch himself I watched him take a deep breath. His eyes settling on me as if he had something to hide.

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