Chapter 26

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I growled in anticipation as I felt my limbs aching from the speed and distance I was running.

I heard her, and I needed to get to her.

I don't know how me and the pack had managed to find it, but we arrived at a cave that led underground. We stopped in front of it and shifted back to our human forms, taking in the scenery around us to make sure this wasn't some sort of trap.

But deep down I knew that it wasn't and that Alaska needed me to go to her.

"Come in alone."

Her voice sounded like music to my ears. It wasn't spoken inside my head through the link like I had expected, but it was spoken loudly like she was standing right next to me, whispering in my ear.

"Where are you?" I asked panicked, feeling my heart beat a hundred miles per minute.

And then it hit me. Her scent. It invaded my senses like a flood and I sprinted forward, my wolf growling in restraint as I tried keeping him inside.

I ran into the cave and went down the tunnel that led me to an underground bunker.

I expected a fight an ambush... anything. But every rogue I had ran past was on the ground kneeling, with nothing in front of them.

'What the hell is going on?!' My wolf demanded.

I came into a long hallway and my sight zeroed in on the door at the far end of the hall. I knew she was in there. Don't ask me how... I just knew.

I sprinted towards the door and I felt her presence growing stronger.

'MATE!' My wolf cried in happiness and I burst through the door.

My body froze as I took in the sight before me.

Regan was on his knees, sobbing uncontrollably like a child who had scraped his knee.

And in front of him, hovering inches above the ground. She was glowing, pure white light radiating off of her skin like flames. And as soon as I entered the room her eyes landed on me and her body fell to the ground, the light immediately fading away as she went unconscious.

I sprinted towards her and took her half naked body in my arms, cradling her head against my chest as I picked her up swiftly. I spun around and growled at Regan, still kneeling on the ground.

"Arturo! Come inside, it's safe." I spoke through the pack link, and moments later he sprinted in the room. He glanced at Alaska in my arms and his body visibly relaxed as he shrugged off his jacket. He walked over towards us and placed the jacket over her body.

"Thank you." I whispered softly.

He nodded once and his eyes hardened as he glared at Regan.

"Bring him. I'm not finished with him yet. And find Byron and Molly." I commanded and walked out with Alaska. I needed to get her home. I needed her to be on our territory so the reality of her being safe can sink in with me.

"You do realise what she is don't you?" My wolf spoke softly. That is the softest tone I've ever heard him speak in.

I frowned and looked at Alaska's face.

Her head was leaning against my chest and her arms were lazily hanging at her sides. Her face was bruised and full of dried up blood. A growl left my lips as I thought of her being hurt and me not being here to protect her.

I do realise what she is. But I don't know how it can be.

My wolf immediately knew what she was the moment we saw her down in the caves. But of course he knew... he was programmed to remember her.

As soon as we reached the pack house I rushed Alaska over to my room and laid her on the bed carefully.

"Baby? Can you wake up?" I asked through our bond. But there was no answer. In fact... the bond seemed hollow, like it was almost one sided.

"Get the doctor!" I roared and brushed her hair out of her face.

She looked so... lifeless. And the stench of the rogue was clinging to her like a sickness. I snarled and backed away from her, feeling our bond weaken by the second.

Moment's later the doctor rushed into the room. He quickly made his way to Alaska's side and inspected her wounds.

"Hurry up!" I ordered after a couple of minutes of him taking his time.

"alpha... I don't know how to tell you this." He mumbled and turned towards me.

"Just stop wasting my time and tell me what the hell is going on!" I demanded.

He sighed and glanced at Alaska sympathetically.

"She's been marked by someone else, sir." He said.

And it all made sense. Her passing out as soon as she saw me. The stench of my brother rolling off of her like visible waves. Our bond weakening as she lied there like she was already dead.

"Is she dying?!" I demanded, feeling a cluster of emotions well up inside me.

"No sir... Her body is rejecting the mark. I don't know how long it will take for her to wake up. Maybe a couple of days." He said softly, taking a step back carefully.

I growled angrily. "Get out!" I yelled and he rushed out of the room.

I knelt down by the side of the bed and stroked her cheek softly with my fingers.

"I'm here now baby. Everything is going to be okay now." I said softly and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek.

And then I smelled him.

My wolf growled and my body shot up. I felt my canines poking my bottom lip as I felt his presence enter my territory.

I ran out of the room and rushed outside the house, seeing Arturo drag Regan onto our grounds by his shirt. Regan stumbled along, trying to keep up. His eyes were wide, like he had seen a ghost.

"Go guard your Luna!" I snapped at Arturo and yanked Regan out of his grip. "Yes alpha." Arturo said and ran inside the house.

I couldn't control it. The rage. It was shaking my body violently as I looked into the eyes of my brother.

My pack made a circle around us, snarling and growling in anger as their eyes focused on Regan. He shivered in fear, which he should. This is where he dies!

"You took her from me!" I roared and I let my fist connect painfully with his jaw.

He flew back and skidded a couple of feet away on the grass. I growled again and stalked towards him. "You hurt her!" I yelled and let my foot connect with his nose, sending his head snapping to the side with a sickening crack.

I gripped the back of his neck and picked him up easily, my anger fuelling my strength.

"You forced your mark on her." The last one came out in a low growl and I prepared to rip his spine from his body. My hand pulled back and shot into his back, breaking the flesh and parting the muscles as my fingers curled around the familiar bony feeing of a spine.

Regan roared in pain and his head fell back as he cried.


And I froze.

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