Chapter 16

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"Wake up, baby."

The voice came from inside my head and even though it was unfamilliar, I knew it was Micah.

I groaned, feeling my brain tingle.

"Baby it's time to wake up."

The voice came again.

I slowly opened one eye lid and winced at the sunlight streaming through a window.

I stretched by body and yelped as pain shot up from my lower body. It wasn't unbearable, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

I carefully sat up and studied my surroundings. I wasn't in my bedroom anymore, in fact I wasn't even in my cabin.

The bedroom was large and I was lying in a huge bed with soft silky sheets. And in the corner of the room was Micah, sitting on a sofa staring at me intently.

I blushed as the memories from our night came back into my mind. He smiled knowingly as if he could hear my thoughts, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"Nothing, baby. How are you feeling?" he asked, but in the back of my mind I heard him say: "I hurt you."

I frowned. "You didn't hurt me." I said.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.

I looked down at myself to look for any injuries, and saw I was wearing a pair of my sleeping shorts and an over sized T-shirt, probably one of Micah's.

"Baby... My wolf... I couldn't stop him. I'm so sorry." he said softly.

I frowned again.

I didn't feel hurt anywhere except for my lower body, but I assumed it was because it was my first time.

"It was because of me."

I heard his voice in my head again.

I carefully got up from the bed and winced as the pain shot up again. I saw a full length mirror on the wall next to the bed and slowly walked over to it.

And when I saw myself I gasped with wide eyes.

Leading up to my sleeping shorts were big, ugly bruises etched on my thighs. I quickly took off my shirt and stared at the bruises on my hips and waist in horror.

They were ugly, black blue bruises that decorated my body like tattoos. I poked one on my ribcage and flinced at the pain.

I looked at Micah through the mirror, and his eyes were black, but not with lust... with rage.

"Micah it's okay." I said quickly, knowing he was angry at himself.

"No it's not! Don't you see how you look?" he spat in desgust.

"It's just a few bruises!" I defended, turning to him and putting my shirt back on.

"You passed out." he added, frowning and shaking his head at himself. "Your body couldn't handle it. You've been asleep for 36 hours."

My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. Baby... I'm so sorry." he whispered and in the back of my head I heard: "You hurt your mate! You don't deserve her!"

I frowned. I was hearing his thoughts. He told me this would happen after the mating ritual was complete.

I walked over to him and pushed him back into the couch and got onto his lap, stradling him.

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