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The crackling of the wood beneath the fire was the only thing the pack heard as they waited for Mama Laos to begin her story.

They sat peacefully on the grass as the moon above them illuminated the night.

Soon, Mama Laos came out of the cabin. Her long grey hair was neatly braided to one side as she gave the men she raised a wrinkly smile.

She sat down on the chair near the fire as she let the flames heat up her naked feet.

She looked at each of the men, eagerly waiting for her to tell them their tribe's tale.

As she placed her shaking hands on the arm rests of the chair, she looked up at the full moon and began to speak the tale she was learned from a young age...

"Once... There lived a women. A women who loved another so fiercely and deeply that it consumed her thoughts, body and soul.

They lived villages appart. Seperated by a hill blanketed in grass.

Once a month, on the night of the full moon both of their villages would celebrate with a festival, for another month had ended. And the two lovers would sneak away from the crowds and meet up at the very top of the hill.

She was a pure beauty. With eyes as clear as the sky, and hair as white as the clouds. She was also pure in soul and therefore did not give into the man's physical advances.

But she did love him. With everything inside of her. And therefore, rewarded him with only a chaste kiss once every month under the full moon.

One month she waited atop of the hill that sepperated them, but he did not come.

And the month after that, the same.

For many months he did not come and she sat alone and weeped with only the moon as her company.

One month he again, did not come. And fearful at the thought that something might have happened to him, she sought out to find him. For in her mind, her love would not leave her willingly.

She found him in his village, but in the arms of another.

She was over powered by pain, grief and anger and clean white flames errupted from her porcelain skin. Flames as pure as her soul.

The moon, sharing her grief as if it was her own, granted the woman power that no other could rival.

The man she once called 'her love' fell before her on his knees begging for forgiveness. But she would not grant it.

Instead, she cursed him to transform into a beast that weeped with the moon as she had on those lonely nights. And to live longer then the avarige human so he could see the woman he claimed to love die.

The woman who had stolen her love was condemmed to be his mate, forever stuck with the beast that was once a man."

Mama Laos looked into each of the men's eyes as they stared at her in wonder. She licked her lips and a sad smile played on her wrinkled face.

"And thus... the first wherewolf was created. And she became the godess he would morn every full moon."

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