Chapter 6

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I sighed heavily as I entered the diner, seeing Molly already standing behind the counter.

I haven't gotten any sleep last night and it was all because of her and her brother.

"Good morning!" she said in a cherpy voice.

"Hi." I mumbled softly.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and practically kicked myself when I realised I was going to ask her.

"Are you one of them?"

Her eyes widened in shock. "Uhm... Yeah... I am." she answered.

"Great." I mumbled and tied my apron around my waist.

"Look Ally... I know this is a lot... but there's more you should know." she said softly.

This peaked my interest. Even though I wanted nothing to do with madness any more.

"And what might that be?" I asked.

She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it abruptly. "It's not my place to tell you..." she said.

"Then who's is it?" I asked impatiently.

"You should speak to Micah." she said.

"I will NOT speak to him. At all. He's a caveman!" I snapped, recalling his behaviour of the previous night.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"He's impatient, he's bosy, he thinks he can order me around. And he's extremely violent." I rambled, but as I spoke of him images of his naked body flashed through my mind, making my stomach clench in lust.

"Well... he's our alpha. He kind of has to be." she said.

"Alpha?" I asked, wanting her to explain everything to me.

"Okay... so an Alpha is like a leader. He has the highest rank in our pack. He's the strongest and the bigest and most apt to protect and lead us." She explained.

"Then, there's the Beta. He's like second in command." she said further.

"Arturo." I guessed.

She nodded and pursed her lips.

"Then there's the Gamma. He's trained to step up to Beta after the Beta isn't fit for duty any more." she said. "That's Byron. I don't think you've met him."

"And lastly... there's our Luna. She's equal to the Alpha. She's his mate. Our queen if you will." she said, careful not to make eye contact with me.

A tinge of jealousy coursed through me at the thought of Micah with another woman.

"Who's your Luna?" I asked.

She pursed her lips and looked away from me. "I think you should talk to Micah." she said.

Just as she said this, the bell at the door rang, signaling a customer had walked in. But with the way the air changed into a thick aura, I immidiately knew it was Micah.

I looked up at him and held my breath, he was magnificent. Strong, powerful and extremely sexy.

"Alaska." He greeted softly.

"Micah." I said equally as soft.

"Are you ready to talk?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you going to try and order me around if I do?" I asked carefuly.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No Little one. I'm just here to explain."

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