Chapter 18

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"What do you mean you couldn't find him?!" I flinched as Micah yelled at Arturo and Byron.

"I'm sorry Alpha. We've been searching the whole night. It's like he simply... dissapeared." Arturo said.

"Dissapeared?! How is it that my best warrior and my best tracker can't find a simple worthless rogue?!" Micah spat, growling at them.

"Byron picked up on his scent, which led us north. But we lost it, sir." Arturo said.

Micah snarled at Arty, bearing his canines threateningly. I could feel his rage through the bond and sighed.

"Calm down." I sent him, and saw his body relax.

"If I may, Alpha. Regan had a witch with him. She could have easily masked his scent or directed us in the wrong direction." Byron spoke for the first time.

"I don't care if he's a god! Search through the mountains! The valley! The woods! Just FIND HIM!" Micah snarled.

"Of course Alpha." They said and walked out of the office.

Micah growled as they closed the door and I walked up behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders. He relaxed under my touch and fell down on his chair.

His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, running my hands through his hair soothingly.

He closed his eyes and inhaled against my skin, taking in my scent.

"I'm not going to be okay untill we find that bastard." He said, tightening his arms around me.

"Our mate is in danger and we can't do anything about it." I heard his wolf say.

I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I feel bad about all of this." I admitted.

"You have nothing to feel bad about, baby. This thing with Regan has been comming for a long time." He said softly, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"Tell me about him. He seems to harbour a lot of hate towards you." I said.

Micah sighed. "He does hate me. He has for a long time, but it's probably my own fault."

"Why? Who is he?" I asked.

"His name... Is Regan Patel. He's my brother." Micah said.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"Then... How did he become a rogue?" I asked, confused at the whole situation.

"It was years ago. When he was still alpha." Micah explained.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Regan is older than me. Which made him Alpha automatically after our father died. He found his mate... Bella. She was a sweetheart. Everyone loved her. Our pack loved her." He started.

"I was the Beta of the pack at that time. Regan and I were an unstopable pair. A force to be recconed with. But we were threatened by a neighbouring pack. A strong one. And Regan took the pack warriors to ambush them, leaving me to protect Bella." His voice trailed off and he sighed again slumping back in his chair.

"They somehow knew of our plans and ambushed the pack house. They killed her. Bella. Regan came back the next morning completely livid. He blamed me for her death." I frowned as he told me this. I can't even imagine the pain of loosing Micah.

"When Bella died, the role of Alpha was passed down to me, because Regan couldn't produce an heir to take his place once he died. So he lost his mate and his position as alpha on the same day." He explained further.

"He challenged me. And he lost. I didn't want to fight him. Because if someone challenges the alpha and looses they are exiled to be a Rogue. And He was weak because of the loss of Bella. So I knew he would loose. But... he didn't stop. So we fought and he lost."

I took a deeo breath, wondering in how much pain Regan had to be. Loosing his mate, position and pack all at once.

"But... why does he want me?" I asked, still confused about that part.

"Maybe because you're my mate? He wants to kill you and make me feel the pain he felt with loosing Bella. Or he wants you because of the power you posess to controll us wolves. I don't know." he said clearly just as confused as I was.

I circled my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face in his shoulder. "I'll be fine." I whispered.

His arms tightened around my body and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight until we find him." he said.

"What happens when you find him?" I asked carefuly.

"Alaska... He touched you. He threatened you. He threatened to forcefully mark you. I'll kill him with my bare hands." He said.

"But... you've already marked me? How does that work?" I asked, frowning.

"If he marks you and your body doesn't reject it... It'll sever the bond between us completely." he said softly. "And it will either kill you or both of us."

"How does it work when I reject it?" I ask curiously.

"It's extremely painful. Aspecially for a non-wolf. Your body is confused at the two marks trying to claim you. But with him being my brother, the chance that your body would reject it is scarce." He explained.

I took a deep, shaky breath and snuggled deeper into him, feeling the comfort his pressence brought me.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

And I was. I was just getting used to this whole mate thing and now there was someone threatening to take that away from me.

"I'm here baby. Nothing will happen while I'm here." He whispered.

And I believed him.


Hay everyone!
This was basically just a filler chapter to give you guys some more information on the story.

If you're confused about some things please feel free to ask them in the comment section and I WILL answer.

I hope you enjoy the story and if you do please vote and comment.


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