Chapter 20

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I rolled my eyes at Micah who was staring at me from the table he claimed as his since I've arrived at work this morning.

"He's not letting you out of his sight is he?" Molly asked, raising an eyebrow at her brother.

I sighed and continued to clean the counter with the wet cloth.

"No. But he's just being protective I guess. We had a huge fall out this morning about whether I was allowed to come to work today or not." I said.

Molly scoffed and hoisted herself up on the counter, swinging her legs back and forth as she sat comfortably.

"Hay!" I said hitting her with the cloth.

She smirked at me. "What?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I just cleaned this counter and now you're soiling it with your ass sweat!" I joked.

She laughed and wiggled her butt against the counter and then jumped off looking at the counter as if she had just completed a masterpiece of art.

"Looks like you've missed a spot." She said tapping her chin intently.

I laughed and threw the cloth at her. "You're extremely lucky you're Micah's sister. Otherwise I would have disowned you."

Molly laughed and threw the cloth back at me. It hit my face and I threw it off looking at it in disgust.

"That thing is dirty!" I moaned.

"Then you should go clean it." She said, sticking her tongue out to me.

"If you girls are done fooling around, there's a customer that needs attending to!" Randy shot out from inside the kitchen.

"Sorry!" Both me and Molly yelled in unison and I looked up to see Joe sitting in the booth behind Micah.

I picked up a menu and walked over to him. He was the owner of the diner, but he sometimes comes in for lunch just to see how things are going.

"Morning Joe! How are you?" I asked, with a sincere smile, handing him the menu.

"I'm great darlin'!" He said. "How's the diner today?"

I shrugged. "It's been pretty quiet lately." I said honestly.

"Yeah it would be. But the full moon festival is commin up pretty soon, which means the diner will be packed." He said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"The full moon festival?" I asked confused. What is it with this town and the moon?

"Yup! Just a small festival with drinkin' and dancin' to celebrate another month with no casualties caused by the wolves." Joe explained, waving his hand around.

"Sounds great. What can I get you?" I asked.

"Just some pancakes with an extra amount of syrup and a black coffee." Joe said.

"So the usual then?" I asked.

Joe nodded and smirked. "You know me so well darlin'." he said.

I chuckled and took his menu.

I walked back over to the main counter and gave Randy Joe's order.

"Should I be jealous of Joe?" I heard Micah ask through the link.

I scoffed.

"Yeah totaly. Like I would love to have a man twice my age on top of me breathing down on my face." I said mockingly.

A small smile played on Micah's lips and he took another sip of his coffee.

A movement caught my eye and I looked out the window of the diner to the line of trees that was the entrance to the woods from this side of town.

There was a man. He was staring at the diner. He looked familliar somehow. He was tall and thin, ribs poking out from his skin and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

I recognised him. He was one of the guys that I saw with Regan last time when they attacked Micah and when they cornered me in the cortyard behind the diner.

"Micah! There's someone watching the diner!" I sent through the link.

Micah stiffened and his head shot in the direction of the woods. But the man was gone.

"Who was he?" Micah asked.

"The tall blonde that was with Micah the night of the quarter moon." I said.

Micah watched the tree line intently. But there was nothing there now.

"Are you sure?!" He asked.

"Yes he was just there!"  I answered.

Micah jumped up from his seat and rushed out of the diner and ran into the woods.

"Be careful!" I sent, but he didn't answer.

"What was that all about?" Molly asked.

"I saw someone out there watching the diner. It looked like someone who was with Regan the last time I saw him. Micah just went to check." I said.

Molly frowned and bit her lip. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah. But he dissapeared as soon as I warned Micah about it." I said.

Molly turned to me, a serious look on her face. "They're watching you now. Regan wants you. And I know the lengths he'd go through to get you just to hurt Micah." She said.

"I know Regan is your brother. Micah told me." I said.

She looked away from me and started folding napkins. "He was my brother a long time ago." She mumbled
Just then Micah came back into the diner.

He sat down by the table again, a deep frown etched on his face.

"Are you sure you saw someone?" He asked.

"Yes. why?" I asked.

"Because there's no one there now. And there wasn't a scent I could catch on to." He said.

I frowned.

"Could Athena be masking his scent too?" I asked.

"It's possible. Don't worry. You're safe with me and Molly. She's an excelent worrior." He said.

I smirked. "I'm not worried about Molly. I know she can kick ass. I saw her kick yours the other day at the training ground."

"I let her win. She's a sore lozer. She knows she can't beat me." He said.

Randy rang the order bell behind me and I turned and picked up the pancakes and coffee and put them on a tray.

I made sure I had my balance and then walked along to give Joe his order.


I know this chapter was like... really crap and short guys! But bear with me okay? Because things are going to get a lot more interesting in the following few chapters!

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