Chapter 19

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"This is taking too damn long!" Regan growled at me, snarling as his canines were in perfect view.

I bowed my head in submission.

"I'm trying my best Alpha. Things are difficult. He won't leave her side." I said.

"Well think of something! We have to do it before the full moon. If what she says is true then she'll be able to command submission from us. We need to get this done before then!" He snapped.

I nodded.

"I can try and create a distraction from which he'll have to leave her. He'll probably leave Arturo with her for protection. But I'll be able to take him if neccesarry." I said.

"And you doubt you'll be able to take Micah?" He asked, smirking.

"I am an excelent fighter. And I'm strong. But Micah Patel is a force to be recconed with. No one has ever managed to beat him. Not even you." I said.

He growled at me and glared in my direction.

"Micah is a worthless excuse for an alpha. He's weak." Regan spat.

"No one has ever managed to push him into submission, sir." I said.

"Well then I'll be the first. But we need her. " he explained.

"And we shall have her. But we need to be careful. I've never seen Micah this protective over anyone. She'll be heavily guarded." I said.

"Get it done." He said in a low voice.

His voice echoed across the halls of the hollow cave. I didn't know where he was hiding out. He didn't trust me enough to tell me. But we met here in the cave on and off.

"Alpha... If I may?" I asked respectfuly, not wanting to anger him.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you sure you don't just want the girl because... because she looks like Bella?" I asked softly.

A fierce growl errupted in the cave and I was pushed against the wall. I groaned as the sharp edges of the wall pressed into my back.

"Don't ever speak of her again!" he growled, drops of spit flying onto my face.

I shivered in fear as his hand tightened around my throat.

"Of course. I apologise alpha." I said soflty, averting my eyes to the ground.

"If I didn't need you, you would have been lying on the ground without a spine!" He spat.

He glared at me once more and then dropped me. I fell to the ground panting, gasping for breath.

"Now go. Before they realise you're gone." he said and sped out of the cave, leaving me alone.

I stood up and shook off the dust that gathered on my jacket. And then I sped off, back to the pack house.


I giggled uncontrolably as Micah threw me over his shoulder.

"Micah put me down!" I said, a pure laugh escaping me. He slapped my ass and I gasped hitting my fist against his back.

"Animal!" I said.

We were outise in the training yard and Micah was trying to teach me how to fight. However... he keeps getting distracted.

"If I was an enimy, you would have been dead by now." he mused.

"If you slap my ass one more time then you will be concidered an enimy." I threatened.

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