Chapter 117: All The Help We Can Get: Part 6

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Wait, Seriously?! I thought it was just some planet that The Grand Priest made!

Whis: Yes, and if you use your energy and warp there, you'll definitely provide Ark and Archon with a signal, please refrain from using any of your power, in order to avoid a potential panic, nobody can know about the situation unless they are planning to come and lend their aid. Think you can do that?

You nodded and gave Whis a thumbs up with a smile as you then spoke up

Y/N: Of Course! You DID train me after all!

Whis nodded with his usual small smile as you placed your fingers in your forehead, searching for what felt like demonic energy, eventually you managed to find something faint as you opened your eyes

Y/N: Found You! This'll be quick!

With that you suddenly disappeared into thin air as everyone who didn't know about instant transmission went wide eyed and began scratching their heads, tilting their heads, or anything of the sort

Universe 12: Unknown Forest

You suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a dark forest, you then started looking around with nothing in sight but trees in the darkness of the night

You suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a dark forest, you then started looking around with nothing in sight but trees in the darkness of the night

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Y/N: Geez...I guess I'm gonna find Demons here...

With that you started walking through the forest, trying to sense any energy you could lock onto, you had sensed a presence before coming here, but you didn't lock onto them specifically, so you appeared in a random spot in the forest

You continued to venture into the darkness as you could hear strange sound in the distance, what sounded like a sword slashing through something, you didn't mind it and continued

Y/N: To think that I first found Skylar while going on a hike through a Forest, now I'm doing it again, this time looking for a friend of hers...

???: MOVE!!

You suddenly turned around for a small black object to bump right into you, you didn't even budge but the object turned out to be a person, or at least what looked like one

They were very small with entirely pitch black with long red hair that would split into two large maws with sharp teeth

They were very small with entirely pitch black with long red hair that would split into two large maws with sharp teeth

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