Just as I stood steady on my feet, Regan pulled back and landed a hard blow on my stomach.

I cried out in surprise and fell down, only to be yanked back up again by my hair. He repeated the process and another cry of pain left my lips.

"Regan stop!" I pleaded as he repeated the process again. My stomach was in absolute pain, as was my skull.

He pulled me against his body and burried his face in my neck. He inhaled deeply and sighed. "I love it when you beg." He whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me there.

I pushed against him, wanting nothing more than to be away from him. But he was strong. A lot stronger than I was. Even if I hated to admit it.

"Well we certainly can't dilly dally all day now can we? There's a lesson to be taught here... And I know just the person to teach it." He whispered the last sentance and bent down, throwing me over his bony shoulder.

I cried out in pain as his shoulder pressed into the hurt part of my stomach.

I trashed against him, which only worsened the pain. But I didn't care. I needed to be away from him.

He started walking with me, out of the room and into a darkly lit hallway filled with many doors.

The walls in the hallway was also made of cement and also had no windows. And I wondered silently if we were underground.

The walk was short until we reached another door. The door opened with a creak and he stepped into the room.

Without warning he threw me down on the ground and pain shot up my spine as I landed on my back with a loud thud.

I groaned weakly, and tried sitting up. "Oh come on it couldn't have been that bad." Regan mocked, making me glare at him.

"Aren't you gonna say hello to your old friend?" Regan asked, gesturing to the other side of the room.

I slowly turned around, ignoring the pain in my back and gasped when a pair of green eyes met my blue ones.



"Where the fuck is she?!" I roared loudly, picking up the heavy wooden desk in my office and throwing it across the room.

It hit the wall and broke into a million pieces, landing on the ground with a clatter.

"Alpha please... Calm down." Arturo spoke softly. He stood carefuly on the other side of the room, near the door ready to run.

As he should. This was all his fault! I trusted him with my mate and now she's missing! Along with my sister and my Gamma.

"Where did you loose her scent?!" I demanded.

"Near the northern caves, sir. It just... stopped. It was masked." He explained just as confused as I was.

"Have you heard from Byron?!" I demanded.

"No sir. He's vanished. I can't even reach him through the link." He said.

"How the hell did this happen?!" I asked, picking up my chair and throwing it across the room as well.

"It was a hoax. They pretended to invade from the woods, but when everyone left it left Luna unprotected. Which gave them easy access to her. I was patrolling the grounds to make sure there was no one there." He explained.

"So you left her alone?!" I was furious, my body shaking with rage as I felt pain shoot through my back. He was hurting her. And I couldn't do anything about it.

"No sir. She was with Molly. Which is probably why they've taken her too." He said.

I growled and snarled at Arturo, making him take a careful step back.

"Find Byron!" I commanded. "Now!"

Arturo rushed out of the office and I leaned my head against the wall trying to calm myself down.

She's gone!!! My wolf roared. I groaned as I felt him poking at the edge. He wanted out. And I was extremely tempted to let him.

I needed Byron! He was the best tracker in the pack and he wasn't here! Where the hell could he be?!

"Alpha?" She soft shaky voice belonged to Mama Laos who slowly stepped into the office.

"I can't talk right now!" I snapped, knowing Alaska would glare dissaprovingly at my manners if she were here.

"It's almost full moon. Alaska's true nature will show within the week." She said softly.

"If he doesn't kill her first!" I snarled, feeling a pang in my chest at the thought of loosing her forever.

"Have faith in your queen, Alpha." was all she said before she dissapeared out of the doors, leaving me alone with the mess inside my office.


Okayyy who saw that one comming?

Any idea what's going on yet?

*Laughs evily* Of course you don't....

Remember to vote and comment!


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