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Cooper POV

"are you sure you have to go" i groaned to Dylan as she was trying to get out of my grip.

"yes baby i am sure i have to go, we already pushed it back." she tells me.

"mhm but my head hurts" i tried to make her stay.

"i know, and i am sorry that it still hurts." she kissed my forehead.

"but your presence makes it feel better" i pouted.

"oh i am sure" she laughed.

"what time do you have to leave?" i questioned.

"she's coming to pick me up in a hour, which means i have to get ready." she pulled away from me.

"can't i come with you? i can hold your hand in case it hurts" i just wanted to be with her.

"no cooper you can't come, why don't you see what Max is doing?" she got out of my grasp.

"fine" i huffed.

"good" she smiled then went to the bathroom.

so i decided to pull out my phone and shoot max and text.

"Max coming?" she popped her head out of the bathroom

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"Max coming?" she popped her head out of the bathroom. her hair was in a messy bun and she had blobs of makeup on her face.

"ya" i replied

"good" she called from the bathroom.

"why can't you do your makeup where i can see you" i called out.

"you don't have a mirror in your room, otherwise i would." was her response.

"so i'll go get one then" i was serious.

"it's whatever i don't mind the bathroom had good lighting." she rebutted.

i didn't respond i figured i should get dressed, i was in my boxers.

"you have any laundry?" i peeked my head inside the bathroom.

"ya i have something, but i can wash it when i get back." she tells me.

"well i can just do it i have stuff to wash too" i voiced.

"mhm that's thoughtful, but i have a system on how i do my laundry. so i will just add my stuff to your basket and do it." she was focused.

"well that don't bother me, i hate doing laundry" i wasn't going to complain if she wanted to do mine too.

"i actually don't mind doing laundry." she admits.

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