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Cooper POV

so thankfully coach let the team play, i would have felt like the biggest jerk on the planet. because Max dad was coming and i know if the game was cancelled Max would have gotten some major heat, even if he had no control over it.

and much to my relief the team even managed a win. so here we are now Monday  morning. and i already know that i am going to have hell to pay in practice, and knowing coach so will the whole team.

"Coach is probably still so pissed at what happened this weekend" Max huffed was we tied up our laces.

"i know he is, and it's  probably going to be a brutal practice." I huffed.

"i am just so glad he let us play. because my dad would have been livid." Max says.

"have you talked to him yet?" i didn't want to say what for incase we had ears around us.

"no i haven't, and i won't. so it doesn't matter." Max stood up and went out to the field.

i stood up and followed behind him, to give him a little bit of space. since i already know i ticked him off. but slowly regretting it as i saw the look on coach face. he did not look impressed at all.

"alright everyone line up" Coach blew the whistle.

no one argued we all did as he said, you don't want to be on his bad side. and sadly for me i am on his bad side.

"what happened this weekend was totally unacceptable." he started off strong.

"you are and team, and you need to start acting like one. no matter if your on or off the field. and the fact that you let this happen in public, makes it ten times worse. we are representing a proud and respected organization. and we need to keep it that way. so i don't want anything like this to ever happen again. do i make my self clear, cause the next time it happens there is no warning. your off my team for good" you could tell he wasn't messing around.

no one said anything we all just nodded our heads.

"good now prepare for hell boys, twenty laps. and if anyone don't finish in under half an hour, you all got to do it again. we win as a team and we fail as a team. so start running boys." Coach blew the whistle.

let me tell you something, we didn't finish in under a half an hour, so coach gave us a quick water break. and then we where running twenty laps again. it was pure and utter hell, and if i am being honest i am not sure if he did it intentionally or not. thankful we managed to get it some this time, literally just on time twenty eight point nine seconds.

"now we are going to run suicides, so hope your not to tired." Coach was really pushing us today.

" i hate you so much right now" Max groaned as we where in the locker rooms. we just finished practice and it was total hell.

we didn't even practice drills, it was all work out. and not in the weight room where it's air conditioning. nope in the hot sun in full gear in the beating hot sun running.

"it wasn't all my fault" i defended.

"Hamilton is just as much to blame i know, but you could have kept your cool." Max did make a fair point.

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