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Dylan's POV

that's was the most awkward night of my life. Coopers mom kept dropping hints that i should date him. and Max's mom talked about Hadley. and i wasn't about to be the one to soil the news. i didn't even know if they where actually dating, as far as i know so far they where just hanging out.

and i was so glad when i left, i just needed to get the heck out of there.

"Hads you home?" i called out as i walked threw the door of our apartment.

"in the living room." she called out.

i kicked my shoes off and went to the living room, and Max was sitting on the couch beside her. with his arm around her. they where watching a movie but it was on pause.

"how did it go?" she has a questioning look in her eyes.

i huffed and flopped down on the couch.

"that bad huh" she chuckled.

"oh it was so bad, all Coopers mom did was hint how he was single. and that we should date. then all your mom did was ask about Hadley." i stated but was intrupted by max.

"wait my mom?" Max questioned.

"Yup, and i met your sister." i tell him.

"wait a second back up here. why where you at diner with my mom and sister?" Max looked confused.

"well it started out as just Coopers mom. then somehow your mom and sister came into conversation and they where invited. they have all been taking since that diner. and our dads where out golfing. so that's why the girls got together." i explained it.

"well why was my mom talking about Hadley." Max looked nervous.

"she couldn't stop asking questions about her, and how she was a lovely girl with a bright future. and that her son has the hots for her. where her exact words" i tell him. causing him ti groan and Hadley to laugh.

"she really said that?" Max looked horrified.

"yes she really did say that." i confirmed.

"well at least i know that she approves of you, cause she is very particular in who she likes" Max says.

Hadley had a slight smile on her face, and i was happy for her. she deserves someone who will treat her right.

"so what was wrong with Cooper? i saw him as i was heading into practice. and he just looked really down." i asked Max since i knew that he would know what's wrong with him.

A weird look crossed Max face, and i knew then that i wasn't going to get an answer i liked.

"he's just in a mood, it will pass" like i said Max didn't help me at all.

"okay well i am going to change out of this dress." i stood up and made my way to my room.

i just slipped on a pair of shorts and a t shirt wanting to stay as cool as possible.

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