"Oh I don't care about you Achille." Oscar spat in my face, and I snort. "I am doing this for Darius and his daughter. He would not want you sitting in this place - depressed. Aurelie deserves to see light, breathe fresh air! Not be confined by walls and your depressing behavior."

I glare at him, knowing that this was a repetitive pattern. Oscar comes here, bashing me for how I'm behaving. As if I shouldn't be mourning about Darius. Then he says he's doing this for him and that's why he hasn't walked away from me, because he'd know I'd fail.

I would much rather be alone than have someone around who's around for Darius' sake. I never liked Oscar to begin with, especially since I know he liked him.

"Cut the crap. You're doing this because you were in love with Darius." I sneer, and Oscar nods without shame.

"I was. At least your smart enough to know these things; but, he loved you - I was no match." He looked at Aurelie who was only getting louder, rolling his eyes. "Obviously you have failed your daughter."

I flinch, and I found my free hand shoving Oscar in his chest. Seeing him gasp for air as he collapsed to his knees and I turned away quickly. Before I could close the door he stopped it again, staring up at me with a deadly stare.

"Looks like you got your uncontrollable strength back." He mocks, and I look away.

"Don't remind me." I snap at him. "I have not failed my daughter. You don't know anything-."

"Just look at you and look at her! She looks so sad...it's almost startling that a baby could hold such an expression. You have not been mature about this-."

"I have been as mature as I could possibly be! I cry when she's sleeping, I take care of her as best as I can without bursting into tears. How am I supposed to be happy when I lost the one person who made me feel human again?! You don't know anything! The fact that you said that to me makes me sick." I shout at him, my hands trembling as I held Aurelie.

Oscar just kept glaring at me, and I kept glaring at him. I truly don't like him and I know he doesn't like me.

"Let me confess something to you, since it's obvious Darius had faith in you - for nothing!" He yelled, and I staggered back as I felt my heart tighten. "Darius went to Sabin and I maybe...four months ago. He was going to be turned into a vampire by Sabin because I was able to convince him to do it - without killing him. But guess what, he insisted that Sabin not turn him so suddenly. He said if anyone was to turn him, it'd be you...but I guess his trust in you was useless - since you let him die right before you.

"I should've come with you. Because at least I could've saved him and Aurelie would have her father. Sabin said this would happen, that you'd lead to his end-."

"Sabin killed him! Not me! I brought no one to his end - how dare you say that to me?!" I shriek at him, and he began to back away. "Don't ever come back to my house, ever!"

I shove Oscar again and that time he almost collapsed to the ground, but he caught himself. I slammed my door so hard that the house trembled, but my body was trembling just as much.

Darius really put himself in a position like that? To making himself a vampire for me? But he stopped because he believed I would change him, that I should be the one doing it?

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