Chapter 11: The Plan

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"Umm...what are you guys doing?" I said as I came downstairs

"I mean, It's the only chance we got." Jin oppa said, then he saw me coming downstairs.

"Hi Y/N!" Jin said

"Umm...okay." I said


"What are you kids doing in there? Come out! Or at least give me Y/N!" Appa shouted as I ran over and hugged Kookie oppa.

"It's okay Y/N." He said as he comforted me. 

"Come out!!!" Appa kept on shouting as everybody went away.

"Come on Y/N, let's escape from the back!!!" Namjoon shouted making sure that appa would hear it, I didn't know what was happening so I just followed him.

"I'm not that stupid you know! You! Girl go to the back of the house!" appa screamed outside to Jessie.

"My name is Jessie for your information, but whatever." She said as she went to the back Yoongi went to the back. 

"Oppa what do we do?" I asked Namjoon oppa, but he just smiled back at me. Yoongi made way to the back then I heard Jessie screaming.

Yoongi POV

I went to the back door then got a fire extinguisher and hit her head with all my might. She screamed, which was what I wanted. I soon heard Doctor Psychopath running towards me saying.

"Oh they were serious. This is going to be way easier than expected." He said as I ran back into the house and quickly hid with the rest. He broke in then said.

"I know you piggies are still in here, you can't fool me!" He said then came closer to where Y/N was at, sniffing the air. Then on queue Jungkook started the car and drove out. Doctor Psychopath was surprised and ran over to the noises. 

As soon as he left the house everyone got out of their hiding spots (pick any IDC) We all ran out making sure that he wouldn't see us and ran to the police station, Namjoon explained everything and soon the police contacted the army.

"They will be here in 5 minutes." A police officer said after he hung up the phone.

"Can you also contact an ambulance?" Namjoon asked

"Ambulance? Why?" The police officer said,

"You see, my brother sacrificed himself to let us run away and I'm afraid that he will get injured." Namjoon whispered into the police officer's ear, he didn't want Y/N to know.

"Okay." the police officer said then phoned the hospital.

Jungkook POV

I was a little bit late on turning the key to my car, but as soon as I turned it I heard a scream as I quickly drove away to (literally anywhere, IDC, your imagination) and as my hyungs said and predicted he was running to me at full speed. He was as fast as a car, but I chose my car, since it was a sports car. 

I turned the car around and then waited for him to follow me, but instead he jumped on the car and started to rip it apart. 

"Woah! How did you become so strong?!" I said in Jimin's voice so he would think that everyone else was in the car.

"I have created an elixir to make me stronger and hyper all the time, Jimin." He said

I waited for a moment then drove at full speed. He was clinging on and kept on ripping the metal away. I knew I was done for, but at least I could save my family, I was already happy to save them. He finally made it then froze for a second then grabbed my neck. 

I stopped the car and grabbed his hands? No his claws and swatted them away, I ran out of the car only to see a hideous monster in front of me. It was him. He looked so different. 

He wasn't even a human, he didn't look like a human. He had claws instead of nails and hands. His eyes didn't have the white part instead it was lime green and his iris was lemon yellow. He wasn't wearing any shoes and his feet also looked like claws. His eyes looked like he hadn't slept in days, weeks.

"D-did that elixir do that t-to you?" I asked stunned, I wanted to run away but I was too afraid. When you are to afraid you freeze all over, you might say that if you were me you would've ran, but if you were me you would be frozen in fear as well.

"Yes! I may look disgusting, but I am the strongest man alive!" he said as he added a evil laugh at the end.

"Now, It's time for you to die!" He said as he came closer to me. I slowly backed away, then when he was close to me I kicked him with my taekwondo. He grabbed my leg and twisted it. i fell down on the ground, crying. My right leg was broken! When he got closer I punched him, he was surprised at first, but then I realized that my hand hurted from punching him. He had a big bruise on his face, but he didn't even seemed hurt.

He took out a gun. Oh my god, he really wanted to kill me.

"It's time for you to die son!" he said then


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