Chapter 22 - You are the Best!

Start from the beginning

There Omer lit the fireplace, the room became warm and coarse wool became superfluous. They took off their sweaters and remained in thin T-shirts. Leaning on their backs on the sofa cushions, they sat in an embrace on a thick, fluffy blanket and watched the red-golden flames that licked pine logs. The room smelled of pine needles, music played quietly and the soft twilight seemed cozy and warm. Omer thoughtfully stroked the delicate skin of her thin hand with his thumb and looked at the fire. Defne, melting from the gentle, tickling touches, leaned back on his strong chest, covered in a white T-shirt, and extended her right arm forward. The ring on her thin finger sparkled with droplets of diamonds. In the depths of the ruby, flames broke out and gave warm gold a reddish hue. Defne examined it and a vague thought appeared in her head.

"Omer," she called.

- Mmm? - without stopping gentle stroking, he mumbled.

- Where did you buy this ring?

- I did not buy. I ordered it. Ahtem, - he honestly admitted.

- And who drew the sketch?

- We...

- We? - Defne stood up and looked into his face.

He sat relaxed and manly- handsome. Bending his head back, he looked at her with dark eyes and from this look, a sweet trembling started in Defne's chest.

"I accidentally saw your sketch." The first one that you dumped in the trash can. And I realized that this is exactly the ring. Your ring. Only I changed it a little bit. I rounded the corners on the ruby - he took her hand in his, touched the stone and stroked with his finger. "Enough of sharp corners for us ... let our road be a smooth further, and love endless."

"Let ..." Defne breathed softly. She looked at the ring again. - Diamonds also changed shape. Why droplets?

- Because they are like water. Clean and necessary. Like you. There is no way without water ... and without you, too.

He spoke seriously, without a shadow of a smile. And this added to the words a sincerity. Defne, holding her breath, held out her hand and gently touched the stubble on his cheek.

"You are my reward ..."

"I brought you much grief ..." Omer caught her hand, kissed the knuckles and pressed it to his chest. There, where his heart beats clearly and measuredly.

"Me too ...," Defne lowered her eyes and sighed sadly. Omer took her chin and raised her pretty face.

"No, my love." You just showed what my relatives are worth. Revealed the true face of everyone. Now I understand this ... and thank you. So, everything bad is not your fault. You brought me only happiness.

"You too ... only happiness," Defne laid her head on his chest and smiled at the fire in the fireplace. Now she knew for sure - her happiness has a name. And its name is Omer Iplikci.

They sat in silence. The silence was warm and cozy, like a house with a lit fireplace in which everyone feels so good that no words are needed to talk about it. Everyone knows. Feels the heart. So Defne now felt at home. And this house loved her...

"Defne," Omer called softly.

- What? She answered just as quietly.

He kissed her warm temple and asked:

- Would you like to engage in jewelry design professionally?

- Very much! She answered without hesitation. - But this is impossible.

- Why? - surprised Omer.

- Firstly, I do not have a special education, which means that it is unlikely to hire me to work in a serious jewelry company.

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