"Your life is precious and don't risk your life for me! I insist...don't do anything rash - je ne te pardonnerai jamais si tu te laisses tuer pour moi." ( I will never forgive you if you let yourself be killed for my sake. ) He hissed at me, and I didn't know what he was saying.

Except I saw Oscar on the other side of the wall, his eyes watching me sadly. I don't know what Achille said...but I don't think I want to know.

"Achille it's just...it's not about me anymore. Our baby is more important than anything...more important than me. I would do anything to make sure you and the baby survive..."

"Darius-!" He was about to yell, until we hear something.

We both stop arguing, the sound of a baby crying filled the room. Oscar was suddenly beside us and he stared in amazement. Except I was actually afraid to look because the baby's cries sounded so precious.

It made me realize that now I am something. I have a title...that is more than lover.

That's when I see a baby be set in Achille's arms, and I realized how cute she looked. She wasn't as big as I thought, but she was just a baby.

It was as if I had a moment as I suddenly knew I couldn't let Achille or her get hurt. Seeing tears stream down his face as he looked at her so lovingly. Cradling her to his chest, I saw him look like his world just changed.

So did mine.

Watching the love of my life and our baby together made me realize that...he can't be separated from her. It's best if he was to not forgive me than the baby to lose him. They mean much more than I ever could.

My lips tighten into a straight line when Achille looks at me. So much happiness in his eyes as he cried. But they were happy tears, tears that I hoped would stay happy. I don't want them to turn saddened.

I've already decided my fate.

Just need to embrace the now...focus on the later at a different time.

"Achille..." I murmur, and he smiles brightly.

"It's a girl - words cannot describe how happy I am..." He giggles practically, and he bit his lip. "You still like the name Aurelie...right?"

I nod, staring at our child. My fingers grazed her a curl that frayed from her hair. Making me smile as I feel the curl and Aurelie begins to grin.

Her eyes closed as she leaned against my hand, making my eyes water instantly.

"Can I hold her please." I ask nervously, and Achille chuckles.

"Of course. You act like that's a problem." Achille rests Aurelie in my arms, and than it really kicked in how tiny she was. I let my fingers feel her curls and I could tell that she liked that very much. My lips beginning to tremble at how precious she was.

I held her gently and smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Pulling back to see her eyes were wide open.

Instantly startled me as I made eye contact with red orange eyes. Her eyes dilating on me and I knew mine were too.

"Looks like someone loves you very much."

I look to see Norris grinning at me, and I smile. Already knew the significance of red orange eyes, to see such a thing in Aurelie's eyes...

"I love her very much too." I murmur, looking at Norris. "Thank you for her Achille. You did spectacular, amazing...everything that can exceed that."

Achille chuckled, and that's when he pressed his lips to mine. The both of us kissing slowly as I leaned towards him. Capturing his lips even more as I didn't want to separate my lips from his.

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