# Thirty Nine

130 31 54

So, I've read a few books where they comment on the character's singing.

What I've come to realize is that they either sound like dying cats or they have the voice of an angel.

Why doesn't anyone have like an in between voice?

You know? It's not terrible, but it's not particularly good either? Or you can tell they have talent, but they're voice is out of practice? (because that happens you know) Or a character that can't reach certain notes, because very few people have really insane range.

Personally, I am always singing and I don't have a bad voice (I mean I was like in the musical and all that), but right now my voice is out of practice so it doesn't sound as great or I'll sing a song two octaves lower than the original singers (especially when I sing along to women and One Republic 😂).

I'll sing and just suddenly say "Okay, that's it, I can't go higher."

Also! I promise you that your friends and family don't comment on your voice every time.

The one day, I just started singing and it was like the first time I actually sang in front of my guy best friend and he said that I have a good voice, but never really mentioned it again, until we were with other friends and we all started singing random songs.

People just don't do that and it's fine. And let's be realistic...do yoy say 'wow, so and so has an amazing voice' every time you listen to a song by your favourite artist?

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