# Sixteen

228 29 44

The mean girls aren't always the queen bee of the school...GASP!

In almost every book, the queen bee is rude, catty, super gorgeous, often dumb, obsessed with boys and super popular.

It's like that in movies too, but my high school experience was a bit different.

We weren't as clique-y as what is shown in stories, despite having people that are more nerdy, sporty and just in between. We also didn't have this whole 'popular gang'. Or maybe we did... There was this one group that thought they were all that, but no one else really cared about them.

(I was the in between girl. I was smart, kinda sporty, culturally inclined and I knew a lot of the people)

How I see it, certain people are mean to specific people...not to everyone.

Let's take my high school life to explain what I mean.
- One of the want to be populars disliked me so much, because I was close friends with her boyfriend from before they dated and she saw me as a threat
- This one geeky guy just didn't like me and was always rude to me and I have no idea why. I didn't particularly like him, but we just didn't get along
- This one girl came into our school and claimed to be really intelligent, but wasn't even on our Top 10. She especially claimed to be good in Maths, but I got the 2nd highest marks in class. My Maths teacher always told the class how hard I work and people thought she favoured me, so this girl spread a rumour that our teacher wad giving me past papers that no one else had access too. FALSE.
- The girl that used to he the top learner was mean to me, because she felt threatened. The one time I beat her to the top spot she came to me and told me congratulations, but that our grades didn't matter that term since we didn't have a Top 5 that term. I didn't care, but her remark hurt.

There were definitely more and with most of them it was silent or verbal conflict. Like they spread rumours about me or they'd make crappy remarks.

The point is, however, that it was a bunch of DIFFERENT people and there was different reasons, be it jealousy, feeling threatened or just personalities clashing.

But, those people who were mean to me, didn't necessarily dislike my close friends. They just didn't like me.

So, I find it weird that in books the queen bee is rude to the whole grouo because of her hatred for one.

Also, what is their motive? Why does the queen bee care about the nerdy girl?

They don't run in the same circles, they don't ever talk to each other, nor do they have the same goals. So they actually have NO REASON TO DISLIKE EACH OTHER.

Chances are better for the nerdy girl to hate the popular girl, because she envies what she has. I don't know.

Back to the initial point...the queen bees aren't always the mean ones.

It can be the shy nerdy girl, the athlete, the outcast, the in betweener, or literally anyone.

Also, the bad boys aren't always the rude ones either. The 'bad boy' of our school was much nicer to everyone than some of the nerdier guys.

Take some time and think about it.

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