Chapter 23: Last birthday.

Start from the beginning

She almost spilled her coffee on me.

"Excuse me?"

"Look, I really don't know what to get Damon for his birthday and this would be perfect. A private concert..."

"You're out of your mind. Those things don't happen in real life. Especially since neither of us know Macklemore or someone that could lead us to him. Try to think of something else."

I sighed.

"Oh my god!" Jenny exclaimed five seconds later.

"What's going on?"

"Lacey!!" She screamed.

"What about Lacey?"

Lacey was Jenny's cousin. I met her one time at one of her birthdays. She was older than us and very pretty. I guess it ran in the family.

"She works at the record label that produced a lot of people!! Maybe she could work something out for us!!"

"No way!!"

Jenny started searching something on her phone and typing really fast, excited. Then she got a call and she went out to speak. It went on for like an hour and then she got back in the coffee shop.

"Leah..." She started, with a sly grin.


"Tell me how much you love me, how amazing I am, how lucky you are to have a best friend like me and how much you..."

"What?" I cut her.

"Say it." She insisted.

"I love you, you're the best, I worship you etc. Now tell me."

She smiled to make the suspense last a little longer than screamed.

"Lacey knows Ryan Lewis and after many efforts she got us Macklemore!!!"

"No way!!!" I shouted.

Many people were looking at us now and a waitress asked us to be quieter. We apologized then I whispered.

"If this is a joke, I'm going to strangle you."

"I promise. Lacey has to confirm it by a text but apparently it's on."

"No way! Oh my god!!!!"

"If it works, it's going to be so perfect Damon is going to faint."

"Oh my god!!!!!" I screamed again.

"It was really expensive though. I hope you got some cash..."

"Don't worry about it. I can't believe it!!!"

"Me neither."

"Damon is going to be thrilled!!! Jenny you're the best!!"

"I know, I know."

I hugged her then we went out of the coffee shop cause the waitress was giving us a bad look. I jumped around, excited as hell and then we went home.

"Try to act normal or Damon will know something is up." Jenny told me when we parked in the alley.

"Do you really think he expects Macklemore at his birthday?"

She laughed and we went back home. I went in my room and wrote a little with music to try to calm down but I couldn't. Jenny barged into my room to tell me Lacey had confirmed that Macklemore was going to be there so we shouted and laughed again. A little later, I looked in my closet to try to find something cool to wear for Damon's birthday but it led to no result so I decided to borrow one of Jenny's dresses. With all those exciting events, I had almost forgotten that tomorrow was going to be Damon's last birthday to celebrate. I chased this idea of my mind to focus on the good things and thought to myself that this was going to be the best birthday ever.

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