year three: black dogs

Start from the beginning

Molly smiled and put another muffin in front of Hope. "Hope, dear, how has your summer been?"

"Boring, there wasn't much to do. Well, other than annoying my brother."

Mister Weasley made a disgusted face at his newspaper. "There won't be much to do with this enraged murderer on the loose."

"Enraged is a bit much--"

"Have they not found him yet?" interrupted Harry.

Ron smirked and leaned in towards Harry. "The prize must be huge for the person who finds him."

Percy laughed. "He won't be found by a thirteen-year-old boy, it'll be the guards who find him."

"And kill him, hopefully."

Tears clouded Hope's vision as she spoke up. "Kill him?"

"Why yes, that seems the suitable punishment for a murderer." commented Arthur. "Especially one who escapes Azkaban."

"Death shouldn't go to anyone." mumbled Hope, earning the attention of everyone at the table. "You can always reach a form of peace."

George just leaned into her. "You're getting angry again."

She just took a breath and put back on a wide fake smile, then turned towards Percy. "Percy, how has your summer been?"

"It's been fine. I'm Head Boy." he grinned.

"Congratulations, that must be amazing."

Percy only nodded. "I read this book called Law and Literature as well, it's quite brilliant. Have you read anything great?"

"A few books on Dragons. I've looked more into specific species, like Hungarian Horntail, Chinese Fireball, Common Welsh--"

"Might as well call her Charlie." laughed Fred.

Hope narrowed her grey eyes. "They're beautiful creatures, they're magnificent gorgeous things."

"Love, don't you think Dragons are dangerous?" George questioned, looking over her shoulder.

"Misunderstood, George, misunderstood."

Arthur looked to Hope and glanced over at the picture of Sirius Black on the wall. Unless you were looking at the girl, you wouldn't notice the resemblance. But Hope Lupin was almost a twin to the man on the wall, except for the hair color and facial hair.

"Hope, a word, please?"

Arthur and Hope took a walk down the now empty streets of Diagon Alley. Hope felt a feeling of uncertainty as she walked next to her friends' father.

"You know, you look just like him." said Arthur, eyeing another poster. "The Ministry is worried about your family along with Harry."


Mister Weasley looked down. "You're the daughter of Sirius Black. They believe that he's after Harry--"

"Dad would never hurt Harry, not while I'm around."

"Hope, he killed thirteen people. Why would he stop there?" he asked.

Her grey eyes met his green. "He's my dad, don't you think I want to believe the best? I haven't seen or heard him in 12 ½ years, all I know is pictures. All I know is stories. And believe it or not, the stories are good."

"Do you have loyalty to him?"

"Of course not." she snapped back. "I have loyalty for my friends and family. The loyalty in which he lacked. But it just taught me that you can't trust no one."

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