chapter 47: New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Bro, you have to stop doing that, stop disappearing like that," says blond guy as soon as they pull apart.

"How was your time here?" Julian asks, showing nothing close to excitement in his voice.

"You won't believe it, I've met the pearl, you'll drool in front of her," he says, his smile is literally reaching his ears, then he nudges him.

Julian clears his throat beside me, while I am looking everywhere, from him to the blond guy and the cruise. This is stupid but I feel bad, I do not know who this guy is for him, but it seems like they are pretty close, good colleagues, good friends, so why did he slide his fingers off of mine? I should not go paranoid about the question, it is just a simple releasing of the fingers, nothing bad.

"Oh, how rude of mine. Cher, right?" He turns to me, eyes smiling, shining, showing happiness and joy, then he pulls his hands forward, waiting for a handshake.

"Y–yes," I seek to smile while shaking his hand.

"I think I never made the presentation," he laughs, we are still shaking our hands, well, he is shaking mine and is not letting go. "My name is Justin," he says, smiling wider.

"Great, nice to meet you," I say, praying when he is going to release my hand. But apparently he is not going to do it anytime soon, as he keeps talking but is still holding my hand. I mean, he is not hurting me, at all, actually he is holding my hand as if he is holding a precious vase.

"Damn, your hair is absolutely stunning," he says, his eyes stuck on my hair. Yeah, stunning, if he knew with what this 'stunning' thing was made of.

"Thank you."

"Justin," Julian says with an air of finality.

"Oh sorry, sorry, I was just–..." He clears his throat and smiles again while he releases my hand slowly. "Anyway, you're beautiful," he says to me and I nod, what else can I say? Thank you of course, but the words does not want to get out, besides, if he knew how I really look like, he would not have said this. Period.

"Where the others are?" Julian asks.

"Other there," Justin, blond guy, points to other side of the port, where a lot of people are standing in groups. I recognize a woman that were with Julian's friend yesterday when we were going to the restaurant. She is already looking other here, at us, her eyebrows are clutching, her long brown hair are slamming on her face, due to the intense wind.

Another woman is standing next to her, her back to us, she has her arms around the waist of a man who has his around her shoulders. I wonder if she too works on the Saint Jones. I look back at Julian, he is still talking to blond guy, at this moment I am not even listening, I am completely drowned in his beauty.

What is going through his mind right now? I wonder. Because he seems elsewhere in his head, yes he is standing here talking to Justin but it seems that he is not here mentally. I wonder if he is scared as well, because I am definitely scared, my heart is beating louder and louder as I know the time is coming.

His hands are by his sides, I cannot stop looking at his fingers, if only we could still be holding hands, it would have felt nice.

Suddenly, noises emerges loudly around me, I look up and realize that the gangways are descending, this is it. I look at it going down, as if my life is going down with it. People are coming forward, some are impatient to go back on the cruise, in their rooms.

What am I impatient of? Nothing much actually. I just want to call my dad because it has been days since I got no news and I also need to speak with Chenle because not talking to her is annoying and too childish. But I am also want to cuddle with him, to kiss him, to be alone with him but the thing is, I have no idea how we are going to do that.

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