At Last I See The Light

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The loft was bustling with noise and laughter as the pack held their weekly meeting. They decided on pizza and Disney princess movies, and they were having an absolute blast, yes, even Derek. Right now, they were curled up on the couches and some on the floor, enjoying the whimsical adventures of Rapunzel and Flynn and the best of the snuggly duckling scene.
Stiles at one point even poked Derek and asked him if he collected ceramic unicorns despite how tough he is. Derek of course growled at the comment and gave the younger male a glare, but deep down he knew he didn't mean it.
He continued to watch Stiles even after his attention had been turned back to the movie.
God, he is the most precious person in the world, and that terrified Derek. He has fallen so deeply in love with the human that he can never look at someone else in the same way, but Stiles could never know that! He'd scoff and reject Derek immediately! If Derek were to tell Stiles how he felt about him, he'd ruin everything that they've all worked towards over the past 5 years. That was not something that Derek could ever get over.
As the movie progressed and the plot thickened, Derek kept stealing glances at the human and noticed how close to the wolf he was sitting. Barely an inch between them, and after a while, Stiles gives in and slouches into Derek, resting his head on his shoulder.
This sudden action spikes Derek's heart rate, and it isn't long before the pack is sending him concerned looks before realizing what's happened, and smirking as they turn back to the movie. 
They've watched the two of their pack mates dance around their feeling for each other for a year or so now. They can see how they feel for each other, but for being the pack leaders, they're shocked they haven't figured it out for themselves. They watch how they fight but then how well they work together, how well and strong their bond has become over the years of running the pack together. They can't wait for the day that they finally get together.

Stiles is quite content with his position against Sourwolf, he's giving off so much body heat and his scent is soothing. It's embarrassing how much he wants to bury his face in the older's chest. He's been in love with the older man for over a year now, but he'd be damned if Derek was ever going to know that. He'd get rejected the minute the words slipped out of his mouth, and then he'd never be able to show his face around the pack again.

The pack continues to laugh as the movie progresses,  until the scene appears when Rapunzel and Eugene are getting into the boat to watch the lanterns. Derek feels Stiles sigh happily as he leans in closer to Derek, clearly enjoying the scene. As the two characters begin to sing their song, Stiles looks up at Derek's gentle smile and pieces everything together. Derek is his light, and has been for the few years now. They've grown closer together since this all began years ago, and now they'd do anything for each other. Stiles makes it his mission to annoy Derek, that's never going to change, but he also wants to keep him safe, and help him if he's hurt.
If it wasn't for Derek, Stiles isn't sure he'd still be around to have fallen in love with him. He's got to make some sort of move, to let him know how he feels, but the fear of rejection still lingers and it terrifies him that he could ruin everything he's got by saying a few simple words.

Derek peers down at Stiles' happy face, a giddy smile on his face and a look of awe. Derek takes the lyrics to heart and realizes something very important he didn't realize sooner. Stiles is his light; after the fire and up until he met the energetic and hyperactive young man, he had been moving through life with no purpose, but then, as the two became closer and closer, and their hatred turned into friendship, Derek began to have a purpose again. That purpose was Stiles; keeping him happy, and making sure he was always safe from whatever threat that occurred.
He couldn't live with himself if anything were to happen to the younger man, and he needed to let a Stiles know that, regardless of what comes after. He needs to let him know how much he means to him.
So while Rapunzel and Eugene are holding hands and singing to each other, admitting their true feelings to one another, Derek taps Stiles on the shoulder to get him to look at him.
Stiles looks up at him with a light smile and his beautiful brown eyes, and Derek knows what he's going to do.
He leans down the few inches between them, and captures Stiles' lips with his. His eyes are closed tight and he's waiting for the rejection...but it doesn't come. Instead, there's a small gasp from Stiles before the younger is reaching up and cupping Derek's cheek, deepening the kiss.
The pack breaks their attention from the movie to watch as their pack parents finally realize their feelings for one another. They watch in awe and Jackson gives a wolf whistle as the two finally break the kiss, resting their foreheads together.
"Wow." Stiles whispers and Derek chuckles before pecking the other's lips once more.
"It's about time! If I had known all it would take was a princess movie, I would've recommended it months ago!" Erica smirks as the couple blushes.
Stiles buried his face in Derek's chest and groans while Derek wraps an arm around him and chuckles.
"We'll talk later." He whispers to Stiles, who nods but doesn't stop cuddling into Derek.
They watch the rest of the movie cuddled together, both hearts racing and only slightly irritating the rest of the pack.
After the movie ends, the pack decides to call it a night and they drift out the door, leaving Stiles and Derek alone so they can have some privacy.
"So, how long have you felt this way?" Stiles asks as he and Derek sit on the couch together. Stiles is holding Derek's hands, playing with his fingers and smiling to himself.
"Too long. I should've made a move a long time ago, but I was afraid. I wasn't even planning to kiss you earlier, but you just looked so damn beautiful and I couldn't help myself. I love you Stiles." Derek explains and blushes as Stiles smiles gently at him.
"I love you too, just so you know. As you put it, for too long now." He says as he snuggles into Derek's side, kissing his cheek.
Stiles nuzzles his face into Derek's neck, and Derek growls happily, just loud enough for Stiles to hear it and chuckle.
"So, go out with me? Tomorrow night?" Derek asks and Stiles nods.
"Of course. But, if it's alright with you, I don't really feel like going home tonight. Mind if I crash here? Maybe we can snuggle?" Stiles asks with a smirk.
"Does your version of snuggling involve clothing?" Derek asks with a quirked eyebrow.
"Depends, could go either way." Stiles chuckles.
"Hmmm, I have always wanted to trace your freckles with my tongue." Derek smirks back and Stiles goes beet red.
"Ok! Let's go!" Stiles says standings quickly and pulling Derek up.
"Where are we going?" Derek asks and Stiles laughs.
"To snuggle with no clothes on so you can trace all my moles. Come on Sourwolf! Keep up here!" He smiles and pulls Derek towards the bedroom.
'Oh boy. What have I gotten myself into?' Derek thinks as he lets the younger pull him towards the bedroom, not a complaint to be heard.

Sterek One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon