So Alone (Mild Mature Content)

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Trigger: Eating Disorders/Behaviours, Self Harm, Suicide

Stiles Pov
For the past couple weeks things have been tense between me and the pack. I honestly don't know what happened but now they're doing so much more without me. They don't tell me if they're going out, and they've been pretty much ignoring me during meetings. At first I thought it was just them being grumpy with me since during our last fight, I may or may not have gotten myself hurt and could've possibly killed myself.

We walk back into the loft and the pack looks furious.
"What the hell were you thinking Stiles?!" Scott yells at me.
"I just saved your lives! Why the hell are you screaming at me?!" I scream back and he growls at me.
"You could have been killed!" Erica shouts.
"But I wasn't!" I defend before Derek cuts in.
"Stiles! What you did was insane and unplanned! You seriously could've been killed! We had everything under control! If you're going to do this I don't know if you belong in this pack." Derek frowns and I really just want to cry.
"This is the thanks I get for helping, and saving you guys?" I scoff and run out of the loft angrily.

But now, they just don't include me in anything anymore. Even Derek who I can actually say is my friend, doesn't talk to me. Not that he was super chatty before but even just a text after a fight or a pack meeting making sure I made it home alright made me smile. Now he doesn't.
But now if I think about it, them leaving me makes so much sense! I'm not a werewolf. I don't have abs or muscles or amazing powers they have. I have a layer of fat covering my stomach. I'm scrawny and weak, no wonder they don't like me anymore. It was destined to happen! I'm not like them, they're all so cool and I'm just some nerd. I think deep down I always knew that Scott would become best friends with them and then we'd drift apart, but I didn't want to accept it.
So now, for the past couple of days I've found myself usually laying in my room, crying or staring at the ceiling. I don't eat as much as I once did. I've lost about 10 pounds in the past couple weeks. Maybe if I lose enough weight, they start to like me again.
Two Weeks Later

I walk into the school and make my way down the hall to my locker. I spot Scott and the rest of the pack -minus Derek- chilling out and laughing at his locker.
I walk by and they all just stare cruelly at me. I fight the urge to cry and continue walking. I make it to my locker and grab my books before heading to my first class.
Lydia, Jackson, Scott, Erica, and Isaac walk into the class and sit down at the back of the classroom.
Throughout the class I catch them staring at me and whispering to each other. It makes me want to cry and cut some more. About a week ago, I decided I needed something to take some of the pain away. I've sworn off drugs and alcohol, so it was the only thing I could think of.

I make my way into my bathroom and grab one of my spare razors. I take it and easily snap the frame in my hand. I collect the 5 blades that fall out and pocket 4 of them, leaving one of them out. I sit down on the edge of the bathtub and hold it in between my fingers, slowly guiding it to my wrist.
I sob as I swipe it over my skin and flinch at the pain it brings. I watch as the blood starts to bead up to the surface and I start to laugh happily.
This is just what I needed. I make a few more cuts along my wrist and it feels so good. I cry happily as my pain is finally relieved.
Scott's Pov
We sit in the back of the classroom and watch Stiles. His cheeks are pretty much tear stained, and the bags under his eyes are dark.
"Guys, something's up with Stiles. He reeks of sadness and crimson." Jackson sighs and we all nod. Stiles looks back at us and he looks so hurt.
"Do you think this is because of us?" Lydia asks and I shake my head slightly.
"I don't think so. But I don't know. He's got a lot going on. Did you know he likes- never mind." I start but stop before I accidentally reveal Stiles' crush on Derek.
Later That Day

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