Slow Dances In The Living Room

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"Stiles, I still can't believe that you're not going to go to the dance! Go stag! Meet someone and hook up in the bathroom." Scott sighs out excitedly and Stiles laughs but shakes his head.
"Dances really aren't my thing, besides, Derek and I have already made plans for that night. We're going to sit on his couch, watch Star Wars and Marvel movies, and totally pig out on snacks. It's the perfect antisocial evening!" Stiles smiles and Erica smirks.
"Sooooo, it's a date?" She asks and Stiles blushes and shakes his head.
"Derek and I are just friends!" Stiles says quickly and the pack all look at each other.
"Yea, and I'm straight!" Jackson pipes in from down the table where he's holding Ethan's hand.
"You were at one point!" Stiles shoots back and Ethan smirks.
"Then I showed him the ways of the gays, and poof! Not so straight anymore." He smirks and Jackson glares playfully at him.
"Seriously though guys, go to the dance and have fun. I honestly hate dances, and I've never had a good experience at one, neither have I ever had a date. So please, just let me and Derek be alone in our bubble of solitude and nerdness, and leave it at that." Stiles sighs and the pack groans but nods.
"Fine. But it's senior year, what if you invite him to come?" Lydia asks and Stiles shakes his head.
"He hates them as much as I do. He'd refuse."
"I wish you'd just admit your love for him already, it'd make the tension easier to bear." Erica sighs with a smirk.
"For the last time, we're just friends! He doesn't like me in that sort of way at all." Stiles groans and Lydia smirks.
"You forgot the word sadly in there a couple times."
"I hate you guys, so much." Stiles sighs, picking up his tray and leaving the cafeteria.
It's the night of the dance, and while the pack is gathered at Scott's house getting ready, Stiles is in his Jeep heading to Derek's.
"Hey! You ready for a night of nerdy movies and junk food?" Stiles asks as he lifts the two bags in his hands full of chips, chocolate, and most importantly, Reece Cups.
"Yea, you can toss that stuff in the kitchen, I've got the first movie loaded up." Derek smiles and Stiles makes his way past him into the kitchen.
He comes back in with two cups of soda, and a bowl of chips. He sets them down on the table and wraps himself in one of the fluffiest blankets that Derek has.
"What are we starting with?"
"A New Hope." Derek smiles and sits down on the couch next to Stiles.
"You know, the pack was making fun of us for this." Stiles sighs and Derek frowns.
"Why? This is so much better than a dance."
"I know! No judgement from other people whether you have a date or not, or if you're wearing nice enough clothes or whatever. I'd much rather just spend the night watching movies than going to a dance. And of course, you're here too, so that's a plus."
Derek smiles and nudges Stiles with his shoulder.
"I wouldn't do this with just anyone you know, but you're special so I guess I'll keep you around." He jokes.
"Thanks Der, means a lot coming from a Sourwolf such as yourself."
"Mmmmmm, you're never going to stop calling me that are you." He laughs and Stiles shakes his head.
"Never. It's too brilliant." He says before clicking play and getting comfortable on the couch.
By the third movie, it's now almost 11pm, and Stiles' head has somehow made it into Derek's lap. He's laying down while Derek is enjoying the movie, his hand running through Stiles' hair.
"Mmmmmm, that's really nice." Stiles chuckles as he feels Derek's nails gently scrape his scalp.
"You're falling asleep on me." Derek chuckles lightly.
"It's relaxing. I feel as sated as I do after an orgasm." Stiles blurbs out and immediately blushes.
"I-I didn't mean to say that out loud." Stiles stutter and Derek laughs.
"Relax, I get it. You're fine Stiles." He smiles and Stiles sighs happily.
"Thank god you understand my uncontrollable brain to mouth function." Stiles sighs and buries his face into Derek's stomach.
"I think it's cute." Derek smiles down at the boy who's peaking up at him.
They briefly turn their attention back to the movie playing, and Derek returns to playing with Stiles' hair.
"You want to know why I don't like dances?" Stiles whispers and Derek looks down at him.
"Only if you want to tell me."
"Ok, so back in freshman year, Scott and I went to our first dance. Scott managed to get a date, but I was going single, and this was before I came out and everything." Stiles starts and Derek nods.
"So I had slipped off to the bathroom where I ran into a group of jocks, Jackson was one of them, but that was before everything so I don't hold it against him. Anyway, they cornered me and started teasing me about not having a date and how I looked ridiculous, and how even if I did have a date, my clumsiness would ruin any dancing we did. It lowered all self esteem I had and ever since then I've hated dances. I know it's probably stupid to hold onto something from nearly 4 years ago, but I just, can't. What they said hurt, and I've been terrified ever since." Stiles finishes and Derek sighs before rubbing a hand up and down his arm soothingly.
"Hey, I get it. You're afraid it's going to happen again, and I completely get it. Your fear is justifiable, but I think every single one of those things they said was completely wrong. You're not any less of a man for not having a date, you're fantastic looking in anything you wear, and your clumsiness is just something else that we all love about you, so if they can't see it that way, than that's their problem." Derek smiles and Stiles smiles up at him in return.
"Thanks Der, that means a lot coming from you." He smiles and Derek blushes.
They look at each other for another moment or so before Stiles sits up.
"I hate to kill the moment, but I've really gotta pee." He sighs before gently pecking Derek's cheek and heading down the hall.
Derek is left there in a light blush, with a hint of confusion about what just happened.
When Stiles is done in the bathroom, and is making his way back down the hall, he notices that the lights are dimmed, a few candles are lit, the movie is paused, and Derek is standing in the middle of the living room with a small speaker in his hand.
"What's all this?" Stiles asks and Derek smiles at him.
"It's a dance."
"But, we're the only two here." Stiles huffs in confusion.
"I know. But, you need a good memory to think back on when you think of dances." Derek chuckles and Stiles smiles at him before shaking his head.
"Der, this night has already been better than any dance I've been to." He says stepping closer to Derek.
"Just dance with me Stiles. One dance?"
"One dance? In your living room? At, 11:37pm?" He asks and smirks when Derek nods.
He wraps his arms around Derek's neck, and Derek wraps his around his waist. They dance to the soft music playing, eventually growing closer to each other until there is no room in between them, Stiles' face buried in Derek's neck, and Derek's in Stiles' hair.
"Thank you, for all of this Der. You've truly made my entire night. Between the movies and the dancing, I couldn't have asked for a better night even if I went to that dance." He mumbles quietly, knowing that Derek can still hear him clearly.
"I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat, Stiles." Derek whispers back, before pulling back ever so slightly, and pulling Stiles into a loving kiss.
The two cup each other's faces and kiss deeply, putting as much emotion as they possibly can into it, showing how much they truly care for each other.
When they break apart, they smile gently at each other and Stiles chuckles a little.
"Hey Der?"
"What is it?" Derek asks.
"I really like you. Like, a lot." Stiles smiles and Derek lets out a huff of laughter before nodding his head.
"I really like you too Stiles. Like, a lot, a lot." He smiles and pulls Stiles into another gentle kiss.
They watch each other as they continue to sway back and forth around the living room.
"You know, the pack's going to be gone for the rest of the night, and I honestly wanted to blow you when I was laying in your lap." Stiles smirks and Derek laughs but nods.
"Only you could interrupt our moment to talk about sex." Derek says and Stiles raises an eyebrow.
"Is that a no?" He asks and Derek tenses up.
"What?! No! No! I mean, yes! Yes, I definitely want to." He panics and now it's Stiles' turn to laugh.
"Come on then." He smirks and pulls Derek up to his room, running back down to blow out the candles, and then back up to where a naked Derek is waiting for him.
The next morning, Stiles wakes up before Derek and decides that he's going to go make breakfast. He doesn't bother to skip on anything other than his boxers, and makes his way down to the kitchen. He stops in his tracks, however, when he makes it to the living room, where the entire pack is sitting watching TV.
"Uhhhhh hi." Stiles chuckles awkwardly and Lydia and Erica smirk once they see his appearance.
He's got a neck and chest full of hickies, and teeth marks up and down his body. He even has scratch marks on his back from round 3 when Derek actually let Stiles fuck him.
"It's not what it looks like!" Stiles defends and the pack don't believe it for a second.
"'We're just friends!' he says! 'He doesn't like me like that!' he says! Lies!" Scott shouts in a dramatic fashion and Stiles sighs.
"We were! Up until last night, we were just friends! But then last night, one thing lead to another, and now we're a lot more than just friends." Stiles blushes and the girls squeal while Jackson gives him a fist bump.
"Soooo, were you attacked by a vacuum or something?" Isaac asks pointing to his neck.
"Are we sure Derek isn't a vampire? Looks like he tried to suck your neck off." Ethan laughs, and that's when Derek appears behind Stiles, wrapping his arms around his waist and placing his chin on his shoulder.
"That was only after he sucked me off. Even with a dick in his mouth, he's still loud. But I guess that was because of what I was doing in return." Derek smirks and the pack goes silent in slight disgust, and the awkwardness of hearing about their pack parents having sex.
"Can we drop it now?" Derek asks and the pack all nods their heads.
"Go put your pyjamas on babe, you're going to get cold." Derek smiles before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
"All our teasing is about to backfire on us, isn't it?" Scott asks and Derek smirks as he watches Stiles climb back up the stairs.
"Yeah, yeah it is." He smirks before making his way over to the stairs and following Stiles back up.
"Out! Everybody out! Evacuate while you still can!" Scott yells and the pack runs for the door.
Upstairs, Stiles and Derek are laughing as they give each other kisses.
"That was kinda mean." Stiles smiles.
"But worth it! Now we have an empty house, and no neighbours around for miles."
"Mmmmmm, sounds good to me."

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