The Last Night

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I myself have lost a friend to suicide and do not intend on romanticizing suicide or depression. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message.


Stiles gets up and grabs his things, making his way towards the sliding door of the loft; the pack meeting has just ended and everyone else is leaving too. He was silent the entire time, but he doesn't think anyone noticed, they never seem to notice him. Maybe that's why Stiles has grown to hate himself now.
It all started when Scott was first bitten; he became a werewolf, became cool, had a bunch of new friends, and had a new cool hunter girlfriend, so why would he need to spend every minute with his best friend since childhood? Stiles smiled and went along with everything as if it was all ok, but in reality, he was dying inside. He had never felt so lonely in his life. This feeling is partially why the Nogitsune found it easy to possess the boy.
After everything that went down, Scott was grieving over the loss of his girlfriend, who was killed at the hands of the Nogitsune. Afterwards, none of the pack knew how to act around Stiles, so they just sort of started to pretend he wasn't even there. Meanwhile, Stiles was breaking even more inside, choosing to take out his anger and sadness at himself, on himself, by taking one of his fathers disposable razor blade, and smashing the plastic frame into pieces. You can imagine what came from that.
Derek, however, was the only one who still talked to Stiles, would still show up at his window if he had a question, or even just to make sure he was doing ok. But then, Derek took off, taking Cora and Isaac with him, and Stiles was lonely once more.
Things from there only escalated, and did so quickly. Now 18, not the small 16 year old he was when this all started, Stiles was forced to kill someone in defence; the man was trying to kill his dad, and somehow he ended up with a metal pole through him. From that point on, Scott wanted nothing to do with Stiles, claiming that he was a murderer, and that he should stay away from the pack. He never even tried to hear Stiles' side of the story, only what Theo told him. The pack too, of course, took Scott's side, and continued to ignore Stiles. John also seemed to make it a habit of only working double shift throughout the day so when he got home he wouldn't have to interact with his son, now scared of him and wishing he was anyone else's son. Stiles tried to confront his dad once and let him know how he was feeling, but it didn't go as planned.
"Hey dad? Can I talk to you about something?" Stiles asks as his father walks in the door at 2am. John sighs and nods before he sits down at the kitchen table.
"Dad, I need your help and advice right now, so just hear me out. I've been feeling like shit for a long time now, and I think I need to go to the hospital, or to a psychologist and see what they have to say. I think there's a chance I have depression." Stiles explains and his father sits in silence shaking his head.
"So you want me, to spend my money, so you, can go get another useless prescription for a teenage phase you're going through? NO! Absolutely not! I spend enough money on your damn pills already and I swear that they don't do anything anyway! No Stiles! I'm not wasting anymore money on your imaginary problems." John spats at Stiles, and Stiles feels his heart sink.
"Imaginary...ok dad. You're right. You're always right. Everyone is always right, everyone except for me. I'm just the idiot Stiles that nobody wants. Thanks dad, for making that crystal clear." He whispers before heading his way up to his bedroom.
This was the first time that Stiles tried to commit suicide; he tried overdosing on some pain medication from the medicine cabinet. He didn't know what hurt most, waking up and finding that his father was already gone without bothering to check in on him, or that he woke up at all.
This was the final straw for Stiles. He was no longer the happy-go-lucky boy he once was; he was void of all emotion besides hatred and depression, all directed at himself. His arms were always covered in long sleeves to hide the scars that he put there; if someone found them they would lock him in Eichen House for sure. He rarely spoke, even when Derek finally came back and the pack was one again. Nobody even cared if he showed up or not, everyone besides Derek at least. At least he spoke to Stiles, and came around to check on him from time to time. It actually made Stiles feel sort of loved, but it never lasted long. He had had a huge crush on Derek since he was 16 and he told them "this is private property", but he knew that Derek would never like him like that, therefore, he always seemed to become more depressed after he would leave.
This brings us back to the end of the pack meeting. Stiles had barely said a word the entire night, and this was mostly because Stiles has finally made up his mind about the one topic that has been on his mind for months now; death. He was finally going to do it tonight, end his life with no way of getting him back. He had tried a couple different ways before, such as the pills and trying to cut through his arms, but neither were successful. Turns out Stiles is even a failure at killing himself.
     Stiles grabs his jacket from the closet and waits for the rest of the pack to file out of the loft. Derek comes back down from his bedroom and smiles gently at Stiles.
     "Hey, what are you still doing here?" He asks and Stiles sighs.
     "Nothing, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left. You're my best friend Der, I hope you know that." Stiles says quietly.
     Derek smiles gently and reaches out to grab Stiles' hand.
    "Stiles, what's wrong? What's going on in the big, brilliant brain of yours?" Derek asks and Stiles shakes his head.
     "Nothing Der. I'm fine. Just wanted to say goodbye before I go." He says and looks up slightly to meet Derek's eyes.
     Derek pulls him into a tight hug which surprises Stiles greatly; he hasn't had this form of human contact in almost a year, and he's slightly overwhelmed.
      "I'll see you tomorrow Stiles, now go home and get some sleep, you look like you could use some." Stiles nods and waves goodbye before heading out the door and heading down the stairs to his Jeep.
     He has the noose tied and in his closet, he wonders if he should keep it there or move it to his ceiling fan, that way his dad may find him before Derek has to. Stiles would feel beyond guilty if Derek, his only friend, were to be the one who found his body.
    Cora and Isaac came into the living room a moment after Stiles walked out the door and Derek looks worried and confused.
     "Der? What's wrong?" Cora asks and Derek turns to look at her.
     "I have to go, something's not right with Stiles." He says running upstairs to get his jacket.
     "What do you think is wrong? Is he sick?" Isaac asks and Derek stops to look at him in frustration.
     "Isaac, you heard what he said, he said 'I wanted to say goodbye before I go' and that I'm his best friend. You guys have smelt the emotions that come off of him, and you've seen the scars too. I need to go make sure that he's ok and that he doesn't do anything stupid." Derek huffs and makes his way to the door.
He starts his car and speeds out onto the road.
God. He just hopes Stiles is ok.
     When Stiles gets home, he heads straight up to his bedroom, throwing down his backpack and throwing off his jacket. He grabs the noose from his closet and ties it around his ceiling fan. He neatly placed his phone next to his journal containing his suicide note on his desk, and pulls the desk chair out from its spot. He places it under the noose and takes a moment to prepare himself.
After a moment and a deep breath, Stiles stands up on the chair and loops the noose around his neck. He says one final prayer and takes a step off the chair, making it fall to the ground with a bang!
He struggles as his airway is cut off, and closes his eyes as he waits for the inevitable darkness of death to overtake him.
Unfortunately for Stiles, he didn't notice the werewolf that jumps up to his window a second later.
Derek jumps up to Stiles' bedroom window and gasps at the sight that he sees. Panic flows through him and he throws open the window and dives into the bedroom. His true love is hanging from the ceiling fan, and his lips are slowly turning more and more purple.
Derek grabs the chair and uses his claw to cut down the rope, trying to gently drop Stiles to the floor.
When he's laying on the floor, Derek dials 911 and places his phone between his shoulder and his ear, and begins CPR on the younger man.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"My-my friend just tried to kill himself. He hu-hung himself from h-his ceiling f-fan. He's pale and lips are blue! I'm trying CPR but I need an ambulance! I can't lose him!" Derek sobs into the phone and the lady on the phone tells him they're dispatching one now and they should be there soon.
Moments later, there's hammering on the door and then running up the stairs. Two paramedics rush into Stiles' room and one takes over CPR while the other get the stretcher ready.
"Come on! We need to get him to the hospital. Come with us and you can start calling people when we get there!" One paramedic tells Derek and he nods his head without saying another word.
They make it to the hospital and rush Stiles away into a restricted area, leaving Derek alone and crying in the waiting room.
He pulls out his phone and dials Cora.
"Cora, you need to come to the hospital."
"What?! What happened Der?! Is he ok?!" She shouts into the phone.
"My instincts were right, he tried to kill himself in his bedroom." Derek whispers and she begins to cry too.
"Isaac is still here too, we'll be right over. Did you want us to bring you anything?" She asks.
"No. Just please, come." Derek sighs quietly and hangs up the phone.
Next on his list was John Stilinski, and Derek has some choice words for him.
"Hale? What do you need? I'm really busy at the station right now." John says annoyed.
"John, your son just tried to commit suicide. I found him hanging in his bedroom! Did you ever stop to notice how quiet he was getting?! Did you ever notice how for the past months he's been wearing only long sleeves and hoodies because he doesn't want anyone to see his arms, and the scars and cuts he put there?! Your son is not a failure, he's not a murderer, but he certainly does have mental health issues that have gone untreated because he's been too scared to tell anyone or get any help! If he survives, if he wakes up, he will be coming to live with me in my loft. I should have done more to help him, and trust me, I regret it, but I love him too damn much to allow him to hate himself because of other people." Derek rants to the sheriff and hangs up the phone before the man can say anything else.
Derek sits back in his seat in the empty waiting room, and hears as the doors slide open and people try to catch their breath.
"Derek!" Cora sighs and runs over to wrap him in a hug.
"Have you heard anything?" Isaac asks as he sits down beside his alpha.
"No. They haven't had him back there for long. I may have been too late, I really don't know anything yet." Derek sighs.
Isaac places a hand on his shoulder and sighs.
"He's strong. I just feel like shit that none of us caught on sooner to how he was feeling."
A familiar looking nurse walks into the waiting room from a hallway, and she stops in her tracks when she sees Derek, Isaac, and Cora.
"Derek? What are you guys doing here?! Is somebody hurt?!" Melissa asks and Derek begins to tear up again.
"Melissa, we're here for Stiles." Cora says quietly.
"Well that's not possible, he's not here. The only emergency that came in this late was a young man who-" she stops in her tracks as she pieces everything together.
"Oh my God! What happened?! Scott never said anything about Stiles getting bad again!" Melissa begins to cry.
"He tried to hang himself in his bedroom. What do you mean get bad again?" Isaac asks and Melissa sighs before sitting down across from the three.
"Shortly after his mother passed away when he was 10, Stiles came over for the night for a sleepover. I heard a noise at about 3am to the sound of the bathtub running. Stiles had filled the tub and was holding himself under because he wanted to see his mom again." Melissa explains.
"He begged me never to tell John, and I told him I wouldn't as long as he came to me whenever he was feeling like this. It took about 3 years until he was finally overcoming it and was starting to enjoy life again. Three years later, Scott was bit, and I didn't hear much from him after that."
Derek sighs and shakes his head.
"I can't believe that I was so stupid! I should have stopped him from going home! I should've kissed him when I wanted to and helped him feel loved again. If he doesn't survive this, I won't be able to live with myself." Derek sobs and Cora rubs his back soothingly.
"Der...he's your mate isn't he?" She asks and Derek looks up with tears running down his face.
"He's my person. He's my second in command. He's my true love and my Prince Charming. He is so much more than just a mate to me. He is my soul, and he is my life."
Cora and Isaac hold Derek for a while until his sobs come to a near stop. Melissa has gone to make a few phone calls and see if she can find anything out about how Stiles is doing.
Soon enough, John, Scott, and the rest of the pack show up and are sitting in the waiting room as well.
It's taking everything in Derek for him to not attack or scream or shout at the rest of the pack, but he realizes that it won't help him at all anyway.
"Stilinski?" A doctor calls out and everyone rushes to their feet.
"How is he? Is he ok?" Derek asks in a hurry and the doctor nods his head.
"We were able to get Mr. Stilinski breathing again and stabilize his vitals. Right now, we have him resting and on pain killers, his neck will be bruised for a while, but he will make a full recovery." The doctor explains, and Derek breaks down into tears of joy.
"Der, I don't think I've ever seen you cry so much in one day." Cora says as she wraps her arms around him and he holds her tightly.
"I'm a Sourwolf, what can I say?" He laughs slightly.
"Can we see him?" Scott asks.
"Yes, but if you don't mind, our ER nurses have requested that Mr. Stilinski's boyfriend see him first. She has overheard and seen him all night, and it is our request that he sees a happy face that he loves when he wakes up."
"Oh, I'm not actually-" Derek starts.
"Ok! That's completely fine! Will you lead him to the room?" Cora cuts in.
"Certainly, right this way Mr.?"
"Hale. Derek Hale." Derek answers and the doctor leads him through the set of double doors and down the halls to where the hospital rooms are. He stops at a room halfway down the hallway, and opens the sliding door to Stiles' room.
Laying in the bed positioned in the center on the room, is Stiles. There's an IV in his arm and he's hooked up to several monitors. His neck is bandaged, and he has an oxygen tube under his nose.
Stiles looks slightly groggy from the meds, but he's awake.
"Stiles!" Derek smiles and he runs to his sides.
"Der? What am I doing here? I wasn't-,"
"I found you, just a moment after. I cut you down and called 911. I couldn't lose you Stiles. I just couldn't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you didn't make it, if you weren't here right now." Derek sobs.
"Der, I don't want to be here. I have nothing to live for. My dad hates me, my friends hate me, I have nothing and nobody. It would have been better if you had just let me go." Stiles mumbles quietly and Derek tenses before gently holding Stiles' hand.
"You have me. I am your something, your somebody. Stiles, I love you. I love you with every ounce of my being, and I have for years now. When I say I can't live without you, I mean it." Derek explains and Stiles looks up at him confused.
"Are you saying-?"
"Yes, Stiles, you're my mate, and I love you. And I will love you for everyday until the day I die, even if you don't feel the same." Derek sighs.
"Der, I love you too. I have for ages now. I've just been too afraid of the rejection I expected that I never wanted to say anything. Seriously! Look at me and the look at you. You could do so much better than me, I'm sure at least 10 people were checking you out already today and it's only 8am." Stiles sighs and Derek shakes his head.
"It doesn't matter. They can look all they like, and they can try their hardest, but the only person on this planet that I'll ever have eyes for is you." Derek smiles and Stiles wipes some tears from his eyes quietly.
"And for the record, I think you're absolutely stunning. You have the brightest brown eyes, and your moles are like a connect the dot I wanna do with my tongue if you'll let me. Your smile brightens up the room, and it makes me sad that I haven't seen it in a while. Most of all, I love you for who you are. You're so kind and caring, and you're so trusting and loving of everyone. You forgive people and you're so damn smart! Witty too! God you can come up with a come back faster than anyone I know. So, don't ever say you're not good enough for me, because if anything, I'm not nearly good enough for you, but no one else shines as bright as you do." Derek smiles and Stiles smiles gently back too, wiping tears from his eyes and holding Derek's hand.
"I need help Der. I can't keep living like this, like a void or a robot that feels nothing." He whispers and Derek nods his head.
"I want you to come stay with me. We can move your stuff over and I can help you. I'll always be right there for you, and I will help you in anyway that I can. I'll cook, I'll cuddle, and if you're really feeling down, I'm here to talk, or if you want to make out I'm ok with that too." Derek smiles when Stiles chuckles.
"I want that too. Both moving in with you, and to make out with you. Thank you Derek. I really appreciate you in my life."
"Now, are you ok with Isaac and Cora? Did they need to make any apologies or anything? I know everyone else really dropped the ball and I'm pissed about that, but I want to know if they did anything to you that could hold you back from your recovery. They're still living at the loft, but I could make other arrangements if you need me to."
"No, no, they're ok. They're ok Der. I think they may actually be helpful? I'm not sure what this journey is going to be like, are you sure you want to take it with me?" Stiles asks and Derek nods his head.
"I'm with you 100% of the way." Derek smiles and Stiles smiles gently back at him.
"Ok, I guess there's only one thing left to do then." Stiles sighs and Derek looks confused.
"I need you to kiss me." He smiles and Derek grins.
"Well, I suppose I can do that." He smiles, leaning over and gently cupping one of Stiles' cheeks.
He leans in slowly and places a sweet kiss on his love's lips, rejoicing in his soft and plump they are. Stiles rubs his hand through Derek's stubble, and smiles happily into the kiss.
"I love you." He whispers when they pull away.
"I love you too." Derek smiles, resting their foreheads together.
It took some time, but Stiles finally was able to move forward with his life.
Him and Derek were living happily in the loft with Cora and Isaac, while Derek worked on rebuilding the pack house.
The rest of the pack put in the effort and Stiles was able to welcome them back into his life. Derek monitored the pack for a long time after the incident, and made sure they had all the facts straight about everything that ever went down, which meant hearing Stiles' side of the story.
John worked on his relationship with his son starting in the hospital. He apologized to him directly for not understanding what was really happening and that he was a horrible father. They began going out for lunches and other meals, and after about a year, Stiles was comfortable enough to have him back in his life.
Stiles was able to forgive himself as well, for everything he ever did that he couldn't control, and he forgave all of the hatred and anger he held towards himself. He turned to Derek instead of self-harm, and if he really felt like doing it, he'd think about his mate, and how it would impact him.
The first time the couple made love, was about 6 months after they got together. Stiles was finally comfortable enough around Derek, and wanted to be physical. When Derek removes Stiles' shirt that night, he didn't say anything. He simply kisses up and down Stiles' body and made him know how loved he really was.
Overall, Stiles was finally happy again. He felt loved by his family and by his mate, (who little did he know was about to become his fiancé). He was moving on to a new, exciting stage in his life, and he was proud. New beginnings meant new opportunities, and Stiles was going to take every one that he could.

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