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Stiles panted as he stood in the middle of the open field, dead witches surrounding him and the McCall pack, blood dripping from his forehead.
"Stiles!" Scott yells and runs up to his best friend, examining the few drops of blood running down his face before his face screwed up into an angry frown and he begins to yell furiously at his friend.
"What the hell were you thinking?! We had this covered before you showed up!! Because of you, the rest of the pack could've gotten hurt and we had to risk our own lives to protect you!!" Scott screams at his friend, eyes turning alpha red and Stiles is taken back at the anger coming from his lifelong best friend.
"NO! If you're going to be disobedient then there's not a spot for you in my pack anymore. Don't bother coming to anymore meetings, we won't let you in." Scott growls and Stiles' heart drops at his former friend's words.
"GO!" Scott yelled and then turned around to tend to the rest of his pack.
Stiles felt tears well in his eyes and he moves to wipe them from his eyes, catching the blood on his face as well.
"You'll regret this Scott. You haven't seen the last of me yet." Stiles shouts at the alpha's retreating back and begins running to his Jeep parked not far from the field.
Once he makes it back to his Jeep, he buckled himself in and instead of heading back into town, he takes the turn out to the preserve.
He sighs as he makes his way up to the front door of the rebuilt Hale house. He had to give Derek credit, he and his pack had done a really good job at it.
The Hale and McCall packs were friendly, but were still very much separate from each other, only choosing to work together when the threat was too big or dangerous to handle by themselves.
Stiles turns off his Jeep and sighs to himself before getting out and trudging up to the front door.
Raising his hand, he knocks on the door even though he knows that everyone home would've heard him coming a mile away.
The door slowly opens to reveal Peter Hale, Derek's uncle and one of the three living Hale family members.
"Well, Stilinski, what a pleasant surprise. To what do we owe the visit?" He smirks, grunting when a hand grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him away from the door.
"Ignore him. What's wrong?" Derek asks and Stiles tries to smile through the tears and shakes his head.
"Do you have room in your pack for one more?" He asks quietly, avoiding Derek's eyes.
"What?" Derek asks confused.
"Umm, my alpha threw me out." Stiles chuckles weakly and Derek just looks even more confused.
"McCall threw you out?! For what?!" He asks and Stiles shrugs before answering.
"I'm a liability, everyone else has to protect me which puts them at risk. Look, I don't have to do anything or come around for your pack nights, but I'm good with research. I'll be seen and not heard, and I'll stay out of trouble." Stiles begs and Derek shakes his head.
"God Stiles. Get in here." Derek ushers him inside and Stiles is slightly confused but steps into the house.
The rest of the Hale pack looks up at him as he enters and they offer him small smiles in reassurance.
"Guys, would anyone have any issues if Stiles were to join the pack?" Derek asks and nobody says anything so he nods.
"Pack meetings are here Monday and Thursday nights. Saturday mornings we do training as well, if you're going to join you need to be there because I need to see how well how you can fight." Derek explains and Stiles actually begins to feel excited.
"Wait really?!" He smiles gently and the pack smiles back at him, even the alpha himself.
"Now come on, let's get your face cleaned up. It's not too bad of a cut but I don't want it getting infected." He gestures for Stiles to follow him to the bathroom to wash up.


About three weeks later, and Stiles had heard nothing from Scott or the rest of the McCall pack. It was like he never existed to them and that hurt Stiles a lot. However, the Hale pack was really quick to take him in as one of them. They were actually very welcoming, even the big bad sourwolf himself.
"So, how is your spark training going with Deaton?" Derek asks as he spars with Stiles on the Saturday morning.
"It's going well. He says I'm progressing well." Stiles replies, dodging Derek's punch and instead landing his own to the wolf's right shoulder.
"That's good. Why did Scott never push you to do it before? It was no secret you were a spark, every wolf could smell it on you."
"There was always something else to focus on I guess, research and stuff like that." Stiles sighs and ducks quickly before shooting his leg out and tripping the werewolf into a stumble.
Derek motions for them to stop and Stiles pauses to catch his breath.
"You're good. I don't know why they never trusted you to fight. You're a quick learner, and you're fast on your feet. I think they underestimated the human in you." Derek shakes his head and Stiles feels the blush creep up his cheeks.
"Thanks, Der." He smiles gently and Derek smiles briefly before looking up at Stiles.
"Der, huh?" He asks and Stiles chuckles.
"Would you prefer sourwolf?" Stiles smirks jokingly and Derek looks confused.
"What is a sourwolf?" He asks and Stiles sighs with a dramatic eyeroll.
"You! You've always got a sour expression on your face, and you're a wolf. Hence, sourwolf! Duh!" Stiles explains and Derek looks unamused but breaks into a light chuckle.
"I am not sour." He mumbles and Stiles laughs.
"You totally are! Do you remember how many times you used to throw me into walls? And how you bashed my head into my own steering wheel?" Stiles asks and Derek sighs defeated.
"Come on, let's go check on the others." He motions for Stiles to follow him and they head round to the other side of the yard, walking just a little bit closer to each other than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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